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Digital Downloads

License ID 0003digidownloads

Digital Downloads

Price: 29.95€
$32.31 USD | £25.04 GBP | $46.08 CAD
  • Digital downloads
  • Specifications

Please note, the digital download plugin is now included as standard in the Ecommerce Plus templates

Digital downloads Ecommerce Template plug-in

The digital download plug-in allows you to offer products for sale that are available as an immediate download following purchase.

This might be useful when selling e-books, software, music etc where you want to provide the customer with immediate access to your products. It is possible to have both standard products and downloadable ones on the same store.

The way it works is that once somebody has purchased from your store they are sent on to the thanks page in the normal manner. On that page they will see a box with a download link that allows them to get a copy of the downloadable product. They will also receive an email regarding the purchase. This can be configured to allow the number of days following purchase that the item will be available for along with an URL and password for making the late download.


Have downloadable digital and physical products on same storeYes
Configurable email receipt with download instructionsYes
Set number of days a purchase can be downloaded forYes
Failed download warning emailYes
Works with all payment providers except Google CheckoutYes
ASPupload component required for secure downloads for ASP versionYes
No special requirements necessary for PHP versionYes
View Instructions
2 Customer Testimonials - Average rating 5 / 5 (Show All Testimonials)
Digital Download
- 8/26/2019
I love this feature for my clients. Easy to install and customer friendly.
Digital Delivery - priceless
- 2/12/2011
When my husband quit as my shipping department *vbg* I changed my entire personal website over to digital delivery. What was the most surprising is that sales more than quadrupled. I think customers like no waiting and no shipping. Instant delivery.

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