Ecommerce Templates > Newsletter > February 2017

Ecommerce Templates Newsletter February 2017

Welcome to the February 2017 Ecommerce Templates newsletter

Welcome to the February edition of the Ecommerce Templates Newsletter where we are bring news of new features, plugin updates, some handy tips and a free PayPal marketing guide.

Version 6.6.1 Release

ECT Version 6.6.1 is now available and includes a few more handy features since the initial v6.6.0 release...

  • View product images in Quick Update menu
  • Random sort order for cross selling items
  • Define maximum number of cross sell items
  • ReCaptcha for email orders

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Product Page Layouts

We've had a lot of people ask us for a solution to their product layout problems. In an ideal world the product images would all be the same size and the product descriptions the same length but unfortunately this isn't always possible. What then happens is that you have to set a height on the product div to take account of the product with largest image or longest description. We have posted some css that will allow for "uneven" product divs that can still be lined up and displayed neatly and correctly... read more

Wordpress plugins

Just a quick note to inform Wordpress users that we have updated ALL our Wordpress plugins. This includes some very important code fixes as well as checking Version 4.7.2 compatibility. We strongly advise you update your plugins to the latest versions.

All our Wordpress plugins can be found on the Downloads page.

Paypal ebooks

PayPal have offered us some downloadable marketing material that we can share with you. Over the coming months there will be more content available but for starters we are happy to have the following for you...


Updaters as always are available from our updaters page - it doesn't matter which version you are currently running, you can always update to the latest and greatest without going through all previous versions first. If you want to be informed automatically of the new features included in the updaters you can subscribe to the Updater forum - that means you'll receive an email each time a new post is added.