Ok, just one more and I am done for today - I promise.
Lets say you want to put a message on a page if it comes from a specific link or referral.
In this case, I am using the partner because it's a nice way to track a sale, even if you are not using it for the affiliate program.
In this case, I want to show a message on my Category page if a visit comes from a newsletter I sent out.
In my categories.asp page, before my include line, I add the following
<%If Request.QueryString("partner") = "newsletter2015" Then
Response.Write "Thanks for responding to our special offer, be sure to use code - 10off to get your special discount"
End If%>
Then in my newsletter, I will have created a link like so
When the reader clicks the link, that message will show on the page.
However, to a regular site visitor, that message will not show
Using the affiliate program, you will have created an affiliate ID of newsletter2015 and then you can track exactly how much revenue you generated from that link as well.
If you don't want to use the affiliate "partner" thing, you can really make up just about anything as a parameter, and it will just be ignored by your store if it's unique.
For example, let's say I sell race car parts, and I participate in a message forum when I have a link in my signature on that forum
Then in my categories.asp page, I might have
<%If Request.QueryString("linkfrom") = "raceforum" Then
Response.Write "Thanks for visiting my website from the Racing Forum and here is that special offer just for my friends blah blah blah"
End If%>
By adding "&linkfrom=raceforum" to my url, that message is triggered to show.
ECT Power User :)