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 Category Static URL and Dynamic Page Title issue
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Ecommerce Template Guru

1018 Posts

Posted - 09/13/2016 :  01:43:31  
Hi, I have created a Static URL for a Menu Category as described here :

Why? It is handy to be able to lock down the page URL address, so if the Menu Category Name changes, the URL does not.
Or maybe you would like to use the $productpagelayout feature to setup a different layout for one particular Menu Category.

i.e. In Category Admin, where it says Category URL (Optional): I entered "website-design-portfolio.php"

Open products.php, do a File ... Save As ... website-design-portfolio.php
The Menu Category Number is (3)
Modify opening lines to read
<?php session_cache_limiter('none'); session_start(); ob_start(); include "vsadmin/db_conn_open.php"; include "vsadmin/inc/languagefile.php"; include "vsadmin/includes.php"; include "vsadmin/inc/incfunctions.php";
include "vsadmin/inc/metainfo.php" ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>

In the <head>, I have this for page title
<?php $pno = (isset($_GET['pg']) && is_numeric($_GET['pg'])) ? (int)$_GET['pg'] : 1; $pagenumber = ' page ' . $pno; ?>
if(!empty($pagetitle) && $pno == 1) {print $pagetitle;}
else if(!empty($pagetitle) && $pno != 1){print $pagetitle . $pagenumber;}
else if($topsection != "" && $pno == 1) {print $sectionname . ' | ' . $sitename;}
else if($topsection != "" && $pno != 1) {print $sectionname . ' | ' . $sitename . $pagenumber;}
else if(!empty($manname) && $pno == 1) {print $manname . ' | ' . $sitename;}
else if(!empty($manname) && $pno != 1) {print $manname . ' | ' . $sitename . $pagenumber;}
else if($pno == 1) {print $allpagestitle;}
else {print $allpagestitle . $pagenumber;} ?></title>

and for the short description
<meta name="Description" content="<?php
if(!empty($sectiondescription) && $pno < 2) {print $sectiondescription;}
else if(!empty($sectiondescription) && $pno > 1) {print $sectiondescription . ' ' . $pagenumber;}
else if($pno < 2) {print $allpagesdescription;}
else {print $allpagesdescription . ' ' . $pagenumber;} ?>">

Further down in the <body>, i have this
if(!empty($pagetitle) && $pno == 1) {print $pagetitle;}
else if(!empty($pagetitle) && $pno != 1){print $pagetitle . $pagenumber;}
else if($topsection != "" && $pno == 1) {print $sectionname;}
else if($topsection != "" && $pno != 1) {print $sectionname . $pagenumber;}
else if(!empty($manname) && $pno == 1) {print $manname;}
else if(!empty($manname) && $pno != 1) {print $manname . $pagenumber;}
else if($pno == 1) {print $allpagestitle;}
else {print $allpagestitle . $pagenumber;} ?></h1>

<?php include "vsadmin/inc/incproducts.php" ?>

Neither the Menu Category Name $sectionname or Short Description $sectiondescription are imported by metainfo.php.

What is printed are the $allpagestitle and $allpagesdescription. Both those parameters I created and added to includes.php, as described here :

Even if I dumb-down the code to the basic
<title><?php print $sectionname ?></title>
that prints nothing.

Tried following the advice given here
i.e. In Category Admin, where it says Page Title Tag (Optional): I entered "Website Design Portfolio"
<title><?php print $pagetitle ?></title>
that prints nothing.

When creating a Static URL for a Menu Category, can you offer me any solution on how to print the Menu Category Name and Short Description dynamically please ?


Edited by - ITZAP on 09/13/2016 21:38:30

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 09/13/2016 :  03:10:30  
Hi Gary

I'll set up an example here and get back to you.


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Ecommerce Template Guru

1018 Posts

Posted - 09/13/2016 :  03:26:09  
Thanks alot Andy,

Correction : What is being printed is the $allpagestitle, a parameter I created and added to includes.php

And use just standard URL's. SEO friendly URL's with Rewrite Rules will not work at all for this.


Edited by - ITZAP on 09/13/2016 04:06:54

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 09/13/2016 :  04:07:00  
I just had a good read through and see you want dynamic titles on a static page. Normally you'd just added the title to the page through your text editor but there is also the option for dynamic titles but the syntax is slightly different


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Ecommerce Template Guru

1018 Posts

Posted - 09/13/2016 :  21:31:48  
Thanks for that link Andy.
If you are setting this up (a static URL) for a categories page, you'd want to use catid rather than prodid. For the manufacturers page that would be manid.
<?php session_cache_limiter('none'); session_start(); ob_start(); include "vsadmin/db_conn_open.php"; include "vsadmin/inc/languagefile.php"; include "vsadmin/includes.php"; include "vsadmin/inc/incfunctions.php";

include "vsadmin/inc/metainfo.php" ?>

The code above, together with what is posted here
completes the total solution for Dynamic Titles and Meta Descriptions on

(1) categories.php
(2) products.php
(3) Static URL product category pages
(4) manufacturers.php
(5) proddetail.php
(6) Static URL product detail pages

I was hoping maybe you would climb on board with me and update your "Help" pages with all this code, so everybody is clear on how to implement it.


ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 09/14/2016 :  02:23:19  
Hi Gary,
I think just the $catid=3; will do, I don't think you need $explicitid=3; as well

<?php session_cache_limiter('none');
include "vsadmin/db_conn_open.php";
include "vsadmin/inc/languagefile.php";
include "vsadmin/includes.php";
include "vsadmin/inc/incfunctions.php";
include "vsadmin/inc/metainfo.php"

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Edited by - Phil on 09/14/2016 02:24:10

Ecommerce Template Expert

918 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2017 :  16:07:44  
Sinbad asked me to post my question here about the advanced Title tag...

I have implemented the advanced title tag to a site (products.php) with the following code...

<?php $pno = (isset($_GET['pg']) && is_numeric($_GET['pg'])) ? (int)$_GET['pg'] : 1; $pagenumber = ' page ' . $pno; ?>
if(!empty($pagetitle) && $pno == 1) {print $pagetitle;}
else if(!empty($pagetitle) && $pno != 1){print $pagetitle . $pagenumber;}
else if(!empty($sectionname) && $pno == 1) {print $sectionname . ' | ' . $sitename;}
else if(!empty($sectionname) && $pno != 1) {print $sectionname . ' | ' . $sitename . $pagenumber;}
else if($pno == 1) {print $allpagestitle;}
else {print $allpagestitle . $pagenumber;} ?></title>

My question is... On Sub categories, how can this be rewritten to show the category name of the category above WITH the current category?
Kind of like a Cheese Spreads Category and the subcategory name is Smoked... the title would read "Smoked | Cheese Spreads | Etc."

Tim Gorski

Ecommerce Template Guru

1018 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2017 :  16:21:14  
Hi Tim, that involves referencing 2 category ID numbers and I do not know any way of doing that, sorry.


Ecommerce Template Expert

918 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2017 :  16:29:18  
Would $topsection be something to implement into the code?

Tim Gorski

Ecommerce Template Expert

918 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2017 :  16:31:27  
This is the other code that we have used and it does do what I was talking about, but does not address the pg 1, 2, 3 issues.

<title><?php if(!empty($pagetitle)) {print $pagetitle;} else print $productname . " - " . $sectionname;?> - WI Flea Market</title>

Tim Gorski

Edited by - tgorski on 12/12/2017 16:32:20

Ecommerce Template Guru

1018 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2017 :  17:13:43  
Tim, rethinking, I guess you could create a bunch of STATIC Menu Category Pages and enter by hand whatever

<title>Sub Category Name | Main Category Name | Sitename</title>

you like. How to do all that is explained on my website here >>


Ecommerce Template Expert

918 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2017 :  17:21:19  
Thanks, Ill check that out.

Tim Gorski
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