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 How Block Sales of Some Items to Some Countries?
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Ecommerce Template Expert

500 Posts

Posted - 10/18/2017 :  10:15:23  
Hi, a few months ago we released a series of products that are much costlier, larger, and heavier than all others.

We never imagined that customers outside of North America would buy these given the outrageous shipping fees, yet such orders have come in.

In the past, when export order values (with many hundreds in shipping fees) didn't seem to make sense, we suffered insanely expensive charge backs due to fraud, absorbing not only the product cost but also many hundreds of dollars in shipping label fees.

Calling an overseas customer and trying to determine if 1) they're legitimate and 2) can be talked into ordering something cheaper and easier to ship can consume many hours and involve difficult communication, as it did today.

Can anyone suggest a way to block a subset of products from being sold to certain countries (in our case, anything outside Canada, the US and Mexico)?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

- Paul D.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/18/2017 :  10:19:17  
Hi Paul

Other than having a checkbox as an option that they agree to the product only being shipped to those countries I can't see another way of doing it.


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Advanced Member

302 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2017 :  07:51:31  
I had the same problem with some large framed artwork pieces in the past (expensive and nearly-impossible to safely ship overseas).

I put a clear message in the product description that it was only available in the USA. This stopped the problem. Just once I had to cancel/refund an order, and send an apology email to a French customer who tried to buy one.
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