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steven vaccaro
Ecommerce Template Guru

1060 Posts

Posted - 10/19/2017 :  11:20:15  
some things are not importing correctly into shipstation. Below is an example order and the chat with Shipstation support. the state on this order came through to shipstation as 10. But should have been State: Nordrhein-Westfalen

(05:44:43 PM) Jordan S.: I viewed the .XML data from the order feeds to show me what the exact information that is importing from your store. Here is the raw Ship To data.
(05:44:45 PM) Jordan S.: <ShipTo>
<![CDATA[Outrun-Team GbR T.Rueschhoff]]>
<![CDATA[Eulenweg 6]]>

(05:48:38 PM) Jordan S.: We are receiving this value for state <State><![CDATA[10]]></State>
(05:49:11 PM) Jordan S.: I would suspect you may need to investigate this on your end because this is the exact data that your custom store is sending us when make the API get call for the order.

ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 10/19/2017 :  12:15:00  
Hi Steven, shipstation is not a Ecommerce Templates add-on you would need to find a developer to fix the shipstation file, you can try contacting the developer of the module however you might want to try Mike at DLSS or Phil at Bettapage or the guys as Ecom-mods

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ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 10/19/2017 :  12:23:58  
It may not be hard to sort this out.
Was anything entered in the state field in the admin, or is it empty?

Ship station has documentation of what are acceptable characters and lengths of strings there, so maybe there you would find out what the problem is.

For example, we have had customers enter a Brazil address that would not import and it turns out they had an illegal character in the address and we edited the address and it imported.

ECT Power User

steven vaccaro
Ecommerce Template Guru

1060 Posts

Posted - 10/19/2017 :  13:15:46  
sorry Sinbad. I figured the guys using this would maybe have an idea.

Dave, yes this was entered with the order in the ecomm admin , Nordrhein-Westfalen

I didnt explain the issue correctly, the address did import into shipstation, but the xml data only showed a "10" as the state, instead of the correct state "Nordrhein-Westfalen"

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 10/19/2017 :  14:17:44  
I would try to reach Dean.
I use the .asp version and I'm able to follow the code and grasp what it's doing, and typically I can manage some troubleshooting on my own.
Just like I was able to modify the call-back status update to get the timestamp to update in the admin.
But for .php, I'm not sure what help I may be.

In the end, I expect Dean can troubleshoot it.

The "10" has to be coming from somewhere.

ECT Power User

steven vaccaro
Ecommerce Template Guru

1060 Posts

Posted - 10/20/2017 :  05:34:21  
Thanks Dave.
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