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 Design issues
 Packing Slip Layout Changes
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Alex the Fox
Starting Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 10/31/2017 :  05:24:47  

We have just updated to Version 6.8 and most things seem fine and dandy. However, our stockroom guys have brought my attention to a change in layout to the Packing Slip on printing. We were on version 6.58 before last week so this may not be a brand new change but can anybody assist in pointing to where I can access the code that determines this layout.

I am not referring to headers and footers which I know have been moved into the Email Admin on the CMS, but that specifically the Customer Mailing Address used to sit in the top right of the packing slip and now when you go to print it sits side by side with our business address in the centre of the page.

Thanks in a Advance for any assistance on this one.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/31/2017 :  05:29:55  
Hi Alex

There have been changes to the packing slip / orders css in 6.8 so can you make sure you are not viewing a cached copy of the css by forcing a refresh - Ctrl+Refresh in the browser. After doing that, does the packing slip layout look correct?


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Alex the Fox
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 10/31/2017 :  05:58:43  
Hi Andy,

Thanks for your swift response.

I have done as you suggested with a browser refresh and the issue remains unresolved. Here is a screen grab of what we get and an indication of where we want the shipping info to go to. [url][/url]

Any ideas where I have to go to access the code that configures this layout?


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/31/2017 :  07:36:07  
To be honest I don't know how you would have got that layout previously as the logo is part of the packing slip header and the address would then be part of that header.


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Alex the Fox
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 10/31/2017 :  08:44:55  

Thats mysterious. You see we have boxes of integrated packing slip paper with the peel off section in the corner because that is where it always printed out.

I have achieved a compromise which is to put all the header information into the footer and then the boxes displaying the addressee move to the top. It still includes the legend " SHIPPING DETAILS' on the peel off sticker area, which isn't ideal, but it means we don't have to bin the boxes of integrated packing slips we have.

Thanks for the help.

Edited by - Alex the Fox on 10/31/2017 08:45:24

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/31/2017 :  09:16:58  
You can create a css file called ectadmincustom.css and add the following css

div.shipaddress h2{

Upload that to your vsadmin folder and that will remove the Shipping Address header.


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