In this inventory file I have named a column sectionWorkingName... with same category names in the Category CSV File (sectionWorkingName) column.
This was the only way I could match the categories I have setup in the shopping cart to the inventory I need to upload.
I know there was a way that we were able to use both name OR number of a category field in the category csv file but not sure if we can use the (SectionWorkingName) field for this same purpose and if not? Any suggestions on how I might do this?
Due to my need for a year grouping category then same sub categories underneath each one of those, I had to come up with a naming convention to identify what and where I was assigning these same sub categories... With the way creating new categories work in the shopping cart I could only use (sectionWorkingName). Hopefully this makes some sense?
Were you hoping to add new categories via the csv file upload - if so, there isn't a feature for that I'm afraid. I believe there is a third party plugin that will do it.