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Posted - 12/12/2017 :  11:48:58  
Two questions regarding the digital download option. First, I have files in different formats to download (pdf, mp3, ppt), but I'm not sure how to set up the 'digidownloadpattern' to access the server files with different extensions. Second, I would like to bundle/package several MP3 files for sale as one item (for example, 10 songs that are for sale individually, but would like to package them as an album for a discounted price) I haven't had any luck. Receipt will show multiple files purchased, but does not give links to download. What do I need to change to make this work?

ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2017 :  12:35:56  
Hi Laural, can you check the setup instructions to make sure all is setup correctly on the thanks page where the links show.

Open the file thanks.php in HTML / code view and search for the line . . .

<?php include "vsadmin/inc/incthanks.php" ?>

. . . and on the line after that add . . .

<?php include "vsadmin/inc/digidownload.php" ?>

You will then need to add some parameters in vsadmin/includes.php


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Posted - 12/14/2017 :  09:37:40  
This is what I have. I have updated to the latest digital download files.




ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 12/14/2017 :  09:50:54  
You would really want to place the files in a folder not accessible via the browser so people can't find the location download for free. The way to do that would be to make a /downloads/ folder outside of the web root. That's this but from the help file

To use the operating systems filesystem set the above parameter. This will allow you to specify for instance files outside your web root for instance . . .

To get the path to your downloads folder make a file called t.php in a text editor with the following code

echo getcwd();

...upload that to your web root and open it in your browser. That will give you the path to the web root from which you should be able to work out the path to your downloads folder you've set up. Paste the path into $digidownloadpattern
If you have the files in different formats I would zip them all up so they are all .zip files - that way you can be sure people will download them and it won't open an application to play the file for example


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Posted - 12/14/2017 :  10:19:03  
I have been told by my hosting company (goDaddy) that a folder outside my root isn't possible. Does this change how I direct to the files? the information from the t.php file was a bit confusing for me.

Ecommerce Template Expert

890 Posts

Posted - 12/14/2017 :  10:31:56  
I have godaddy and use digital download, it is easy to create a file outside your public_html file... login to godaddy and use the file manager, or use a ftp program like filezilla

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Posted - 12/14/2017 :  10:38:46  
Thanks, drivers, but apparently it has to do with the Linux Hosting (cPanel) that doesn't allow this (or perhaps just the hosting plan I have??). I went through several service reps at GoDaddy and got the same answer. I can easily add folders in my webroot with the file manager, just not anything outside of it.

ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 12/14/2017 :  11:27:09  
Hi Laural, have you tried using a ftp program to create the folder outside the public-html.

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Ecommerce Template Expert

890 Posts

Posted - 12/14/2017 :  22:08:01  
Log into godaddy, under webhosting select "manage", then under tools select the "open" link next to "file manager", then in the upper left side of screen under the red "cP" logo select the "+folder" link... name the folder and leave the field "new folder will be created in" blank... then click "create new folder" and viola! You now have a folder outside your public_html folder! <----- godaddy cpanel instructions, works on all thier plans :)

When it gets late at night, go to bed... try again tomorrow.

Ecommerce Template Expert

890 Posts

Posted - 12/14/2017 :  22:16:32  
I based those instructions on actually creating a folder outside the public_html folder just now for a client :) works perfectly!

When it gets late at night, go to bed... try again tomorrow.

Ecommerce Template Expert

890 Posts

Posted - 12/15/2017 :  00:14:07  
Also, here is a good way to find out what you have going on... is the file where your website is sitting called public_html or is it called webroot (greyed out in color) ? If it is public_html then you can make the folder outside the website containing folder called public_html... if it is called webroot (greyed out) then it is not structured in a manner where you can make a file where you need it... I would suggest switching to cpanel hosting and you will be on top of the world again... many new features... :)

When it gets late at night, go to bed... try again tomorrow.

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 12/15/2017 :  01:19:31  
I have been told by my hosting company (goDaddy) that a folder outside my root isn't possible.

I've had a couple of clients who have had the same problem with Go Daddy, some of their hosting plans don't allow access outside the root directory and they've had to move to another plan or another host.

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Posted - 12/15/2017 :  09:48:20  
Thanks for all the advice. It is my hosting plan with GoDaddy that is preventing this (yes, I can only see webroot, not public_html). I'll see about changing my plan. BUT, in the meanwhile, I still need to be able to do downloads and this is not working. It WAS working previously, but now it's not finding the files. Recent changes have been upgrading to 6.7 and adding a SSL. Not sure how these would have effected the downloads. I've uploaded the files as .zip (as Andy suggested), but I still getting the download error page. Here are the areas that I have checked:

uploaded the latest dodownload.php file to vsadmin and digidownload.php to vasadmin/inc directory
Verified<?php include "vsadmin/inc/digidownload.php" ?> in the thanks.php file (with digidownloadpattern directing to download folder in root for now)
verified parameters in vsadmin/includes.php
Product shows "a" in Download option box.

What am I missing?

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 12/15/2017 :  09:51:06  
Make sure you are now not using


in includes.php


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Posted - 12/15/2017 :  10:00:03  
I just took out that line. The error message I get seems to be looking in the right place. Location and file names match? but no download...
Not Found
The requested URL /downloads/ was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Ecommerce Template Expert

890 Posts

Posted - 12/15/2017 :  10:05:57  
Phil, just an informational :

All of godaddys hosting plans currently available have the ability to access above public_html. They are all on the servers with the new structure.

If a customer is a long term customer, they are still on the old servers. The old servers do not allow this.

The hosting plans are the same price and they credit any money paid when migrating your old hosting to their updated hosting.

The new hosting has unbelievable client control and services, the apps arent shared, and the database control is top notch.

I hope this information helps.

When it gets late at night, go to bed... try again tomorrow.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 12/15/2017 :  10:11:16  
The error message I get seems to be looking in the right place. Location and file names match? but no download...
The file name will be case sensitive - can you check that?


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Posted - 12/15/2017 :  11:12:59  
Sindbad--I did try using Dreamweaver to create a folder outside the root with no luck. Maybe I just don't know what I'm doing, but nothing I tried worked. I will contact GoDaddy again with the information that drivers provided and see what they can do.

Andy--checked cases and did find a discrepancy in one file--the one I was using to test :-( that file now downloads. Thanks for shedding some light.

Now that all my files are .zip how can I package them so that the customer gets download links for all the files?

ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 12/15/2017 :  11:33:30  
Hi you can have 1 zip file with multiple mp3s if that is what you mean.

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Posted - 12/15/2017 :  11:43:15  
The particular product I'm trying to work on is audio files from a week long seminar with powerpoint slides. The combined size of the zipped files is 1gb. I'd like to package/bundle the files similar to how I bundle booklets or other products? All of the packaged items are displayed individually in the checkout, and then they could be downloaded in bite-sized pieces instead of one huge file that will no doubt time out?

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 12/15/2017 :  23:49:03  
I'm sorry but there isn't a feature to split up files like that with the digital downloads - all you can do is give them a pdf file on download with the link to the zips they can download through their browser.


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