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 Adding Structured Markup to Product Detail Pages
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Posted - 01/01/2018 :  22:56:59  
Is it possible to add structured data markup to the detail product pages? Or to any of the dynamic pages? I've not been able to find any good information on how best to do this. From what I understand so far, I would only be able to add it to the detail/long description because none of the other sections are capable of accepting any kind of markup. If you can provide specific instructions for ecommerce templates that would be great.


Marcia Henry

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 01/01/2018 :  23:24:25  
Hi Marcia,
There's a full explanation outlined here -

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ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/02/2018 :  00:06:31  
Hi Marcia

As Phil kindly pointed out, that is already included and you can check it here


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Ecommerce Template Expert

633 Posts

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Posted - 09/17/2019 :  09:29:51  
I know this is old but was looking into this info and ran the test ( on this item (
Here are the errors...

warning availability
The availability field is recommended. Please provide a value if available.
warning price Valid Until
The price Valid Until field is recommended. Please provide a value if available.
warning url
The url field is recommended. Please provide a value if available.
warning brand
The brand field is recommended. Please provide a value if available.
warning image
The image field is recommended. Please provide a value if available.
warning sku
The sku field is recommended. Please provide a value if available.
This Product is missing a global identifier (e.g. isbn, mpn or gtin8). Please see documentation for valid identifiers.

Availability field?
Price valid till?
URL Field?
Brand? we have manufacture.
Image field has 2 images.
We do not use a sku
do not require a global id.

So Google does not like warnings Google likes everything perfect. What I do not understand is why this is not showing at least things that are inplace.

I paid for the SEO service but that really only takes care of part of the SEO function from what I can tell and was a good deal but so much more to do. So can anyone explain how to get this fixed as it is on everyone of my products.

Craig Matheny


42874 Posts

Posted - 09/17/2019 :  10:41:58  
Hi Craig
There is some discussion about this here...


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ECT Moderator

3958 Posts

Posted - 09/17/2019 :  13:00:26  
I also have a addon for that if you are interested.

Mike Beebe
DataLinks Software Solutions

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Ecommerce Template Expert

633 Posts

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Posted - 09/18/2019 :  14:45:58  
Mike saw your add on looks like the simple fix. Ill get it in the next few days thanks.

Craig Matheny
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