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 ASP (Windows server) versions
 Missing all product descriptions after upgrade
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Advanced Member

231 Posts

Posted - 01/08/2018 :  08:26:36  
I'll try and explain this in a simple form.

Original configuration (Win2008 R2 Server + MSSQL 2005) worked fine for years before being forced to upgrade to at least MSSQL 2008r2 for TLS1.2 compatibility. Had some issues with UPS rate server but those seem to be fixed now. Customers can check out fine and UPS shipping rate error is gone.

So now (Win 2008R2 Server + MSSQL 2008 R2) I just noticed all product descriptions, short and long are simply not displaying. No errors, just vanished. Going into product admin the description fields are blank. Luckily the data is still there in the table but here is what I noticed.

If I use the ODBC driver 'SQL SERVER' that we've been using all along, product descriptions appear fine, but then we are back to the UPS rate error. (probably old driver (from 2010) that doesn't support TLS1.2 changes we just made).

If I use a newer driver like 'ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server' or ' SQL Native Client', the UPS rate error is fixed, checkout works great but the product descriptions do not display. Again blank product descriptions in the admin section.

FYI - We are using a 'dsnless' connection I think. It's been years and I can not remember the proper code for all of this. Here is an example of our db_conn_open.asp file:


Set cnn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
sDSN = "DRIVER={ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server};SERVER=ServerName\InstanceName;DATABASE=OurDBNamesql;UID=our_db_user;PWD=xxxxxxxx"


Any help will be appreciated!

Advanced Member

231 Posts

Posted - 01/08/2018 :  09:56:48  
Can anyone tell me what SQL driver they are using on a similar setup? Win2008r2 Server + SQL 2008r2.

Also, can anyone provide a sample db_conn_open.asp file as I am pretty sure the 'DNSless' connection might have something to do with this mess.

ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 01/08/2018 :  11:04:50  
Hi it may not be a driver issue as the site would not load if it were a issue with the driver, I'm thinking perhaps the product table is the problem, I'm escalating this to the developer as he is more familiar with SQL database tables.

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Advanced Member

231 Posts

Posted - 01/08/2018 :  11:41:39  
Thank you.

As an FYI - I am comparing the two databases together (SQL2005 and SQL2008) and the structure looks the same.


42874 Posts

Posted - 01/08/2018 :  11:50:25  
How about a connection like this...
sDSN = "driver={SQL Server};server=SERVERNAME;uid=LOGIN;pwd=PASSWORD;database=DATABASENAME"


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Advanced Member

231 Posts

Posted - 01/08/2018 :  12:03:13  
Hi Vince.

If I use driver={SQL Server} the descriptions and everything look fine on the web site and admin. But during checkout I get the "Error, invalid response from (403)."

If I use one of the newer drivers like DRIVER={ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server} the shipping error is resolved but then the product descriptions are not showing, and without any errors that I can find.

Edited by - xxcfdrr on 01/08/2018 12:20:14

Advanced Member

231 Posts

Posted - 01/08/2018 :  12:33:42  
This is getting frustrating, and expensive with no sales possible for the last few days.

Now I've just realized the UPS shipping error is not fixed, seems sporadic at best AND the product descriptions are not showing up. All because SQL Server 2005 doesn't support TLS1.2.

ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 01/08/2018 :  13:21:47  
Hi sorry your feeling frustrated you might want to look at getting a hosting company that supports ASP/SQL such as servelink / hostek / newtek these companies upgrade their servers and security software on a regular bases, once a server has reached its life span the server is retired and sites are moved onto newer servers.

Winners never quit, quitters never win
CSS and Responsive Designs
User Manual for Ecommerce Templates

Advanced Member

231 Posts

Posted - 01/08/2018 :  13:31:44  
I think I have found an end to this, but didn't want you guys to rack your brain for no reason. I'll report back.

Advanced Member

231 Posts

Posted - 01/08/2018 :  16:06:05  
I've used IISCrypto to set the IIS encryption stuff back to the way it supposed to be. I was able to checkout on the site as a test. But then another attempt failed with the same SChannel message.

Also, when I run the test script, I have always received the same error message:
Testing URL:
Error : Error, couldn't connect to (-2147012739).
An error occurred in the secure channel support

Does the test script still work and what is the output supposed to be?

Thank you.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2018 :  00:13:24  
Do you mean the ppconfirm test from here

If so, that still works and you should get a message of INVALID.


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42874 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2018 :  01:18:07  
Hi xxcfdrr
I'm afraid the answer to this problem may just be that your Win2008 R2 server is just out of date now. I was surprised when your changes fixed the problem but assumed it was because UPS still accepts TLS1.1 as well as TLS1.2. But the problem is the ServerXMLHTTP object that is used to make the secure socket connection to the UPS server (or PayPal server when using the PayPal test script). It seems that this cannot be forced to use TLS1.2 on Windows 2008 R2 servers and MS were not going to change that, I guess as Win2008 is past its mainstream support date and as they have new servers to sell. This was the case when PayPal enforced the use of TLS1.2 and caused us to recommend (and update ourselves) to newer windows servers.
Saying that, a couple of things. This was the case at the time PayPal made its changes but I have come across this...
To make this change for UPS, open the file vsadmin/inc/uspsshipping.asp in notepad and search for...
Then a few lines below that where you see...
...change that to...
Then see if that works. If this doesn't work though you really are looking at getting hosting on a more up to date server I'm afraid.
The other thing is that the use of one database connection string or another is not going to affect the problem connecting to UPS at all. If it seems that way it is just because the UPS problem is sporadic I think and it is just by chance that when using one or the other, you were getting rates.


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