Posted - 01/14/2018 : 02:03:07
Very simple way to add fixed content, using the content regions feature, by category, to every product detail page, simply by naming the Region Name the same as the Category Name
[blue]In the incproddetail.php file find:[/blue]
function pdddescription(){ global $usecsslayout,$usedetailbodyformat,$rs,$longdesc; if(! @$usecsslayout) print '<br />'; if(@$usedetailbodyformat==3){ }elseif($longdesc!='') print '<div class="detaildescription"' . displaytabs($longdesc) . '</div>'; elseif(trim($rs[getlangid('pDescription',2)])!='') print '<div class="detaildescription" itemprop="description">' . $rs[getlangid('pDescription',2)] . '</div>'; }
[blue]Immediately below add the following function:[/blue]
[red]function pddcatcontentregion(){ global $catid,$contentName,$catname; $sSQL='SELECT sectionID,topSection,'.getlangid('sectionName',256).',rootSection,'.getlangid('sectionurl',2048)." AS sectionurl FROM sections WHERE sectionID='" . escape_string($catid) . "'"; $result2=ect_query($sSQL) or ect_error(); if(ect_num_rows($result2) > 0){ $rs2=ect_fetch_assoc($result2); $catname = $rs2[getlangid('sectionName',256)]; ect_free_result($result2); } $sSQL = "SELECT contentID,contentName,".getlangid('contentData',32768)." FROM contentregions WHERE contentName='".escape_string($catname)."'"; $result=ect_query($sSQL) or ect_error(); if(ect_num_rows($result) > 0){ $rs=ect_fetch_assoc($result); $contentName = $rs['contentName']; $contentdata=$rs[getlangid("contentData",32768)]; if($contentName==$catname) { print '<div class="detaildescription contentregion" >' ; print '<div class="contentregion' . $catid . '" >'; print $contentdata; print '</div>'; print '</div>'; ect_free_result($result); } } }[/red]
[blue]Next find:[/blue]
elseif($layoutoption=='description') pdddescription();
[blue]Immediately below add the following line:[/blue]
[red]elseif($layoutoption=='catcontentregion') pddcatcontentregion();[/red]
[blue]Next add catcontentregion to your $detailpagelayout e.g. if you want the content regions just after the description:[/blue]
[blue]Next add content regions for each category, that you want to add data to, where the [red]Region Name[/red] exactly equals the [red]Category Name[/red][/blue]
The content region will then show up on every product detail page only for that specific category.