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 Packing slip layout/output -- resolved by moi
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Jan Andrea
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Posted - 01/19/2018 :  17:17:22  
Silly me for updating without backing up... but I hate the new packing slip CSS :(
The old ones had the option name in bold, so I could easily find them while sewing. In the new layout, everything is just plain text. The boxes with borders and padding are pushing every order into two pages, while things used to print on one page. I don't need the "shipping" box to print at all.

Is there a way to modify the print body layouts to get them closer to how they were before? I had made a number of modifications to mine, and it's on me that I didn't back it up, but the boxes... it seems like that's something that should be able to be changed? I like most of the updates, but my customers get these packing slips with their orders and I'd like them to look nice for them, and also be functional for me.
Using ECT 6.8.4

Edited by - Jan Andrea on 01/19/2018 19:00:18

Jan Andrea
Advanced Member

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Posted - 01/19/2018 :  17:38:23  
I'm looking at both ectstyle.css and adminstyle.css and I can't find the css that's called in the actual order (print and regular). There's a div class for "shipping packingslipshipping" but that class doesn't exist (or at least, ctrl-f isn't finding it) in either file. I feel like if I could find it, I could tell it to be invisible and not print, but, I can't.

I did fix the bold issue at least.

ETA: Ah, my copy/paste/search included a space at the end. I did find the shipping CSS. However, I'm not sure if I can hide it only on Printbody... can someone help me with that?
Using ECT 6.8.4

Edited by - Jan Andrea on 01/19/2018 17:40:34

Jan Andrea
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Posted - 01/19/2018 :  17:50:21  
Just to make it simple, here's what I'd like:

Top is fine, it still has my logo to the left and address to the right, along with the additional text above the order number. No issues there.

Customer address box is fine on the left; however, the spacing between lines is much too wide, and the padding in the box takes up a ton of space. I'd like to have that the way it was in the previous major version: Billing address on the left, shipping address (if different) on the right, with single spacing between lines (something I added and can't get back). I definitely do not need the shipping method to print at all (I offer only USPS Priority), and certainly not in its own big, padded box.

Following that was additional details, but the full width of the page, not in another heavily-padded box. Sometimes my customers write half a novel in the "additional information" box and having it be only on half the page width means I'm printing two pages for a lot of orders. If it has to be half the page width, I'd love to have it float right of the address when there's no shipping address, but full width underneath would be better.

I fixed the bold issue for my option names, so that's all good. Really it's a matter of layout for the address and addl. detail boxes, and getting rid of the shipping.

Thank you for putting up with me!
Using ECT 6.8.4

Jan Andrea
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Posted - 01/19/2018 :  18:26:14  
Hrm. Well, I fixed a few things in print, but they're also applying to the regular display, which isn't necessary. Is there a way to tell it, for example, to hide the Shipping line only in the printed version, and to keep the boxes as they were in the on-screen display? My CSS is not great, but I'm sure there's a way to combine tags so that body.printbody includes special cases for div.shipping and div.adddetails, for example. I just don't know how to search Google for that :)

(Never mind me, just here talking to myself! )
Using ECT 6.8.4

Jan Andrea
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Posted - 01/19/2018 :  18:31:31  
NM, I found it.
I think I'm *almost* good.

Thank you for listening, empty void!
Using ECT 6.8.4

Jan Andrea
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Posted - 01/19/2018 :  18:54:34  
Ok -- nearly there.

My last issue is that for the life of me, I can't change the line height of my header. I've tried defining div.orderheader and div.packslipheader and neither change anything. I've tried redefining my br tag. None of them work. The header text is all separated by <br /> and it's consistently at about 1.5 spacing regardless of what I change -- I can change the line height for the whole rest of the printbody and it doesn't affect the headers. What am I doing wrong?
Using ECT 6.8.4

Jan Andrea
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Posted - 01/19/2018 :  18:59:49  
Whew. Fixed that too -- the clue was in the text within the admin email messages, where I'd defined a class=spacing to change it. A kludge, but it worked. SO now I'm all set and will edit the topic title.

For posterity, if anyone else preferred the old header style, here's what I added to adminstyle.css:

line-height: 0.95em;
font-size: 14px;
font-family: "Hind madurai";
body.printbody div.adddetails{
padding:1px 1px;
body.printbody div.shipping{
visibility: hidden;
line-height: 0px;
margin-bottom: -100px;
body.printbody h2{
padding:5px 0;
body.printbody .spacing{
line-height: 0.92em;

(No doubt this will come in handy for me, when I inevitably overwrite my version without making a backup, during the next update!)
Using ECT 6.8.4

Ecommerce Template Guru

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Posted - 01/19/2018 :  22:41:37  
Now That was Entertaining

Responsive Design Deals Ecomm Plus - ASP 6.8


42874 Posts

Posted - 01/20/2018 :  01:46:11  
Hi Jan
I'm glad you managed to get that sorted, but one important point is that part of the thinking behind the new layout is so that you can change the style of most things without any custom changes at all. That CSS you added to the adminstyle.css will get overwritten so you would have to remember to make the changes every time you update. So take that out and put it in a file call ectadmincustom.css which you need to create (it isn't part of the updater). That file won't get overwritten. Remember to do a <Ctrl>+Refresh when you make the changes so you are sure you are seeing the updates.


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ECT Moderator

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Posted - 01/20/2018 :  08:28:34  
There is a thread with some tips and discussion from when the new layout was released.


I fixed the extreme line spacing with the following addition to my custom admin .css file

div.container {
padding: 0px 2px;
div.address, div.shipaddress, div.adddetails, div.orderstatus, div.shipping, div.authcapture {
padding: 1px 2px;

Jan Andrea
Advanced Member

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Posted - 01/20/2018 :  09:27:32  
Thank you! I did search for the issue, but I guess not in the right forum. I'll create the external css for; thank you for the help!
Using ECT 6.8.4
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