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 new install 405 error during checkout
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Posted - 02/02/2018 :  04:44:11  

Having a few challenges during checkout.

#1 When I add an item to cart, the cart shows it's still empty then has an item, then empty again...
#2 When I'm finally able to see an item in cart I checkout (using email invoice for testing purposes) and during the last step it takes 15 minutes and then returns a 405 error.

Wondering if anyone has advice on where I should start to resolve these challenges

Thanks in advance to any help or advice!

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 02/02/2018 :  04:55:03  

When adding to cart can you look at the address bar and see if you are switching between an URL with / without the "www".

The checkout could be stalling on trying to send out the email - is email working on the store for things like order status or email a friend / ask a question?


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Posted - 02/02/2018 :  06:18:38  
It is switching from www and changing without

However I do have it working now that I deleted the PHPMailer settings in the includes file but now when emails are sent I get a Phishing warning in each message since they're sent from our host instead of my actual email address. This happens to each person that gets an email from the website. I use Hostgator if this is of any use...

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 02/02/2018 :  06:39:11  
What is the exact error now?


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Posted - 02/02/2018 :  06:59:25  
still 405 when using the PHPMailer

If I remove the PHPMailer and settings then the email sends but when the email has a "phishing warning" when it's received this is why I'd like to send email using SMTP if possible.

Also I added the email friend to the website and when I click on that it returns a 403: Forbidden message. I have not looked in the manual yet but will now.

Edited by - gsdxena on 02/02/2018 07:09:52

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 02/02/2018 :  07:09:49  
Can you check with Hostgator that the settings you entered in includes.php for PHPmailer are the ones they recommend?


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ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 02/02/2018 :  07:11:59  
The 403 message is because the emailfriend file needs whitelisting by your host.


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Posted - 02/02/2018 :  07:14:42  
yes, I did and a re-checked and re-checked :-) Then I tried the non secure port 25 with those settings as well with same error.

I use the SMTP setting with my outgoing mail and other websites and it has worked. Not sure if it's me!

Secure SSL/TLS Settings
Username: email
Password: password
Outgoing Server:
SMTP Port: 465

Edited by - gsdxena on 02/02/2018 07:24:16

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 02/02/2018 :  08:05:21  
Are you using the parameters in vsadmin/includes.php in the correct format, like this

$smtphost='smtphostname'; // will usually be '';
$smtpusername='smtpuser'; // will be your business email address, the same as you entered in the ECT admin panel Main Settings page. // your email account Password.
$emailfromname="Your Business Name"; //

and did you get the latest phpmailer files from


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Posted - 02/02/2018 :  08:08:30  
Yes and uploaded the 3 filed to inc folder

BUT I'm using port 465 not 587 since my host doesn't have this as an option...

Starting Member

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Posted - 02/02/2018 :  08:18:51  
SOB, tried the 567 this time anyway and all is working! at least this post will be here now if any others run into this challenge. Thanks for being amazing!

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 02/02/2018 :  08:26:52  
Really glad that's working and thanks for letting us know.


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