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 cannot copy anything into excel
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Advanced Member

335 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2018 :  08:31:54  
I mentioned this in another post about something else, but I really hope you all make an option to render certain areas as actual tables. I copy and paste things from the stats area all the time into excel for further sorting and manipulation. With the CSS divs, excel does not understand where the row breaks are and makes copying anything into excel impossible. I understand the general reason why you are moving things out of tables for UI purposes, but for things that are actually tables of data I think it may be best to keep it in a table parameter (or provide the option). If there is anyway to include some resolution to this in the next hotfix I would be very appreciative!

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2018 :  08:57:00  
Hi Chris

I don't think we'd be able to include it in the next hotfix and I'm not sure how much demand there would be to change it back to tables. I see your situation, and understand that Microsoft products in general don't play nicely with css. Maybe if there was enough demand for it in the Suggestions forum it's something we could look at again if you'd like to post there or I can move this thread.


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Advanced Member

335 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2018 :  09:13:56  
I suppose you can move it into the suggestions area. I am really surprised that no one else uses the data in the stats area in this way. It would be helpful if there could be at least a way to export the results to CSV...or just any way to get it in a spreadsheet format so that the data could actually be useful.. I guess for the moment I have to revert that file to an older version, which is not ideal but the only way I can continue to do daily business functions...

Advanced Member

335 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2018 :  09:19:21  
to clarify, not the entire page. Just the results of the data. All of the other parts dont matter, its just when I am trying to copy the results in its basically useless. I can't imagine it being too difficult to add in options based on an includes variable to wrap the results in <table><tr><td> vs <div><div><div>

...if I am understanding that correctly.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2018 :  09:22:23  
What results did you want to copy to a csv file?


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Advanced Member

335 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2018 :  09:32:38  
Just the results of the search stats to be in a table format. If I am doing searches for top 100 products in the last 30 days, for example, that list of results would be nice to have either an includes option for that table to be in a html table format - that would be super helpful.


42874 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2018 :  02:36:49  
Hi Chris
If you download the updater and copy the vsadmin/inc/incstats.php to your site it's got a solution for this now as each stats section has a "Download as CSV" link. Can you give that a go and let me know if it works for you?


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