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 PHP (Unix / Linux / Apache) versions
 using global in custom php functions
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335 Posts

Posted - 02/28/2018 :  02:41:54  
I setup up a few functions that I can use across the site. I have a few of these custom php functions simply stored in my includes.php and I call them when needed. A few people in other forums online cautioned against using global too often as it could unintentionally affect other parts of a larger program. My examples seem fairly simple and wondering what your thoughts are from the developers perspective on using this method - or if you have suggestions on a better way to accomplish the same thing. These all work for my purpose, so my question isn't about it working - its more about best practice. Im not a developer by any stretch and sometimes I wonder if I know just enough php to possibly mess something up :)...or if what is in my examples is harmless.

This one for example, is a stripped down version of the mini-cart that just pulls the product ids for items that are in the cart. So that I can then run conditionals and have content appear based on if a pId is in the array:

function cartprodids() {
global $thesessionid;
$sSQL = 'SELECT cartProdID FROM cart WHERE cartCompleted=0 AND ' . getsessionsql();
$result=ect_query($sSQL) or ect_error();
return $array;

This one gets the number of items in the cart. Using this to populate the number of cart items next to the cart link...

function cartquantity() {
global $thesessionid;
$thesessionid = trim(@$_POST['sessionid']);
$thesessionid = getsessionid();
$sSQL = 'SELECT cartID,cartProdID,cartProdName,cartProdPrice,cartQuantity FROM cart WHERE cartCompleted=0 AND ' . getsessionsql();
$result=ect_query($sSQL) or ect_error();
$mcpdtxt.='<div class="minicartcnt">' . $rs['cartQuantity'] . ' ' . $rs['cartProdName'] . '</div>';
$sSQL = 'SELECT SUM(coPriceDiff) AS sumDiff FROM cartoptions WHERE coCartID=' . $rs['cartID'];
$result2=ect_query($sSQL) or ect_error();
if(! is_null($rs2['sumDiff'])) $optPriceDiff=$rs2['sumDiff'];
$subtot = (($rs['cartProdPrice']+$optPriceDiff)*(int)$rs['cartQuantity']);
return $totquant;

This one I am using in conjunction with a modification to the incproductbody2 page to add the prodid and category as css classes for styling purposes. To have a little more granular control over the CSS of each item on the products page...

function addcss2products(){
global $rs;
return $productpID." cat-".$productcat;

Pretty straigt forward. Returns the pSection...

function productspSection(){
global $rs;
return $rs['pSection'];
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