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 PHP (Unix / Linux / Apache) versions
 Server change -- now problems - SOLVED
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Posted - 03/04/2018 :  10:28:15  
I changed yesterday from an old GoDaddy Deluxe Web Hosting Linux server to a GoDaddy Deluxe Linux Hosting with cPanel.

GoDaddy had indicated that it wasn't going to support further updates to the PHP on the old server anymore
The old server was running PHP 5.6....the new one is using PHP 7.1

I'm running ECT v6.8.5 ... the issue is when in Admin I'm receiving this when I'm trying to modify a product :

'; var scrwid=screen.width; var scrhei=screen.height; var"","uploadimage",'menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,width='+winwid+',height='+winhei+',left='+((scrwid-winwid)/2)+',top=100,directories=no,location=no,resizable=yes,status=no,toolbar=no');; newwin.document.write(prnttext); newwin.document.close(); newwin.focus(); } function imagemanager(){ if(document.getElementById('extraimages').style.display=='none'){ document.getElementById('extraimages').style.display=''; document.getElementById('lessimages').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('lessimages2').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('but_pImage').value="Close Image Mgr."; document.getElementById('pImage').disabled=true; document.getElementById('smallimup').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('moreimages').style.display=''; }else{ document.getElementById('extraimages').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('lessimages').style.display=''; document.getElementById('lessimages2').style.display=''; document.getElementById('but_pImage').value="Image Mgr."; document.getElementById('pImage').disabled=false; document.getElementById('smallimup').style.display=''; document.getElementById('moreimages').style.display='none'; } } function moreimagefn(){ var thetable=document.getElementById('extraimagetable'); var currmax=parseInt(document.getElementById('maximgindex').value); for(imindx=currmax; imindx '; newcell=newrow.insertCell(1);'nowrap'; newcell.innerHTML=' '; newcell=newrow.insertCell(2);'nowrap'; newcell.innerHTML=' '; } document.getElementById('maximgindex').value=imindx; } function setstatic(setting){ if(setting==0){ document.getElementById('staticpagediv').style.display=''; document.getElementById('staticurldiv').style.display='none'; }else{ document.getElementById('staticpagediv').style.display='none' document.getElementById('staticurldiv').style.display=''; } } function displaymultilangname(){ for(var index=2;index<=3;index++){ if(document.getElementById('pName'+index))document.getElementById('pName'+index).style.display='block'; } } function getectobj(objid){ return(document.getElementById(objid)); } function expandckeditor(objtxt,editornumber){ for(index=1;index<=3;index++){ if(document.getElementById('editordiv'+objtxt.substr(0,4)+index))document.getElementById('editordiv'+objtxt.substr(0,4)+index).style.display=''; } if(document.getElementById('editordiv'+objtxt.substr(0,4)+editornumber)){ document.getElementById('editordiv'+objtxt.substr(0,4)+editornumber).style.border='none'; document.getElementById('editordiv'+objtxt.substr(0,4)+editornumber).style.padding=0; } getectobj('descshort').style.width=objtxt.substr(0,4)=='pDes'?'60%':'40%'; getectobj('desclong').style.width=objtxt.substr(0,4)=='pDes'?'40%':'60%'; } function displaymultilangdescs(islongdesc,thisobj){ var setobj; for(var index=2;index<=3;index++){ if(document.getElementById('pDescription'+index))document.getElementById('pDescription'+index).style.display='block'; if(document.getElementById('pLongDescription'+index))document.getElementById('pLongDescription'+index).style.display='block'; } for(var index=1;index<=3;index++){ if(!islongdesc){ if(setobj=getectobj('pDescription'+(index==1?'':index)))'500px'; if(setobj=getectobj('pLongDescription'+(index==1?'':index)))'300px'; if(index==thisobj){ if(setobj=getectobj('pDescription'+(index==1?'':index)))'200px'; if(setobj=getectobj('pLongDescription'+(index==1?'':index)))'100px'; }else{ if(setobj=getectobj('pDescription'+(index==1?'':index)))'100px'; if(setobj=getectobj('pLongDescription'+(index==1?'':index)))'100px'; } } if(islongdesc){ if(setobj=getectobj('pDescription'+(index==1?'':index)))'300px'; if(setobj=getectobj('pLongDescription'+(index==1?'':index)))'500px'; if(index==thisobj){ if(setobj=getectobj('pDescription'+(index==1?'':index)))'100px'; if(setobj=getectobj('pLongDescription'+(index==1?'':index)))'200px'; }else{ if(setobj=getectobj('pDescription'+(index==1?'':index)))'100px'; if(setobj=getectobj('pLongDescription'+(index==1?'':index)))'100px'; } } } } function checkrequiredfields(){ document.getElementById('newid').style.borderColor=(document.getElementById('newid').value.replace(/ /g,'')==''?'red':''); document.getElementById('pName').style.borderColor=(document.getElementById('pName').value.replace(/ /g,'')==''?'red':''); document.getElementById('pPrice').style.borderColor=(document.getElementById('pPrice').value.replace(/ /g,'')==''?'red':''); document.getElementById('psection').style.borderColor=(document.getElementById('psection').selectedIndex==0?'red':''); } function createextrapbrow(tnum){ var rownum=parseInt(document.getElementById('pricebreakrows').value); if(rownum==tnum){ rownum++; document.getElementById('pricebreakrows').value=rownum; var newdiv=document.createElement('div');'table-row';'11px'; newdiv.innerHTML='
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Sorry for pasting in all that...

Then the normal screen Product detail screen appears after this heading jibberish.

Further, I'm unable to edit the product images through the image manager button.

I've checked the syntax in includes.php and db_conn_open.php per but am at a loss at to how to remedy this.

Any input will be appreciated!

- Bob

Edited by - BobT on 03/05/2018 10:15:46

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/04/2018 :  10:32:14  
Hi Bob

The problem there is that Godaddy have enabled stats and the code they automatically add causes problems in the admin. You'll need to ask Godaddy to turn that feature off.


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Posted - 03/04/2018 :  11:16:09  
Thanks for the quick there more than one "stats"?? (or something I missed)

Just got off the phone with GoDaddy support and they indicated that stats is not enabled (they also instructed me where to confirm it in cPanel >>> select PHP version. The stats box was unchecked


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/04/2018 :  12:09:00  
I've seen this a few times with Godaddy and it's always been down to having stats enabled. I can't think of anything else that would cause that code to show.


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Posted - 03/04/2018 :  13:51:38  
OK...I'll give them another go & report back


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2018 :  00:01:56  
If they don't help, send me your control panel login details and I'll view the source on a page that doesn't show errors and it should be possible to see the extra code.


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Posted - 03/05/2018 :  08:58:10  
OK, they seem dazed and confused

I'm full of fire and fury (not really, just sounds good :)

I'm sending you an admin log on so you can take a peek

This doesn't happen on every page in the admin...the main one I'm dealing with now is

admin home >>>Product Admin>>> list the products and click on / Modify an active one like Summer Woods II

you'll see the result :-(

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2018 :  09:12:06  
If you go to the admin pages and view source on any of them you'll see this code right at the bottom

<script>'undefined'=== typeof _trfq || (window._trfq = []);'undefined'=== typeof _trfd && (window._trfd=[]),_trfd.push({'tccl.baseHost':''}),_trfd.push({'ap':'cpsh'},{'server':'xxxxxxxxxx'}) // Monitoring performance to make your website faster. If you want to opt-out, please contact web hosting support.</script><script src=''></script>

That's what is causing it and should help your host in removing it.


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Posted - 03/05/2018 :  10:13:57  
Thank you ANDY! Awesome support as usual!

This was an easy (but not intuitive) fix that can be completed without waiting 20 minutes for support to pick up the phone.

For those experiencing the same errors I encountered when upgrading to a cPanel server on GoDaddy, this was my resolution:

Log on to your GoDaddy account

My Products >>> Web Hosting >>> next to Deluxe Linux Hosting with cPanel choose Manage >>> choose the three . . . dots next to the cPanel Admin button in the upper right corner >>> Click on Help Us and OPT OUT

This eliminated the code they place on every webpage that automatically sends analytics to GoDaddy and solved my issue.


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2018 :  10:16:11  
Thanks a lot for letting us know, and for the screenshots - bit sneaky that, surely that should be opt-in only.


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