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 Show different text dependent on product options
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United Kingdom
14 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 03/14/2018 :  10:15:35  
We sell kits of fasteners, with different amounts of fasteners.

Currently, I have separate (static, that was for SEO years ago!) pages for each kit quantity - so a page for a Metric bolt kit with 150 pieces, another for a kit with 326 pieces etc.

The reason for this is that I need to show what is in each kit.

This should give an idea of the scale with static pages, and amount of work:

Ideally, I'd like one page for each type of kit, with product options for quantities. And at some point I'll go dynamic - the title and meta description options for each item didn't exist when I started using ECT.

Is there any way, dependent on the product option (qty) selected, that I can show the information for what is in that particular kit?

Edited by - stephenshone76 on 03/14/2018 10:19:09

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/14/2018 :  10:46:32  
Hi Stephen

If I understand correctly you could use the tool tip feature to show what is available in a kit


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