Posted - 03/21/2018 : 01:24:30
Thanks Andy. You may be right about the permissions issue. I'll look into it....
Can you also give me a bit of quick advice on which way I should go with adding our "static" pages from our existing web site. We have a large number of .php files from our existing production site, such as index.php, auto_batteries.php, etc. These are designed to direct our customers through our website, and have been crafted using html predominantly, using a copy of one of the ECT .php pages in the first instance, as described in your doco when we initially installed ECT. My main thing is, should I install these into Wordpress CMS, should I leave them as top level .php, etc? If I do put them into Wordpress CMS, how would I get some of the php code, installed into some static page content, to run from within the CMS content, as I believe this is not something Wordpress supports in native form, and I can't see how I would install the PHP Code widget into the page content in Wordpress? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Dave.
