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 Checkout Button Busy Animation While CC Processing
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Advanced Member

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Posted - 03/30/2018 :  01:59:36  
When checking out and clicking the checkout button there is no apparent animation that informs the user that they clicked on it and that the credit card is being processed.

This would prompt them to click on the checkout button numerous times thinking they didn't or its not working.

is there any way to animate this or prevent the user from clicking more than one time?

Is this a standard function?


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/30/2018 :  02:56:41  

There isn't a feature for that but the customer should see the page working.


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Advanced Member

193 Posts

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Posted - 04/03/2018 :  09:52:47  
Hi Andy,

My concern is that the customer will not realize the page is working.

If they click on it more than once will they be double or triple charged?

Im using its still in demo mode and im still waiting for my audit so its not turned on all the way through the process until we pass the audit. The processing in demo mode is taking a very long time, around 30 seconds. Im hoping when we pass the audit it will be much faster.... But still gives me concern the customer not being patient and clicking on the process button more than once and being charged each time.


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 04/03/2018 :  09:56:14  
It shouldn't really take that long. Do you know if emails are being sent and received ok on your store? I've seen cases where the email not being sent slows down the order page.


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