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 Remove Brand on Detail Page
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Ecommerce Template Expert

974 Posts

Posted - 04/19/2018 :  11:09:51  
I wasn't able to find this anywhere in the forum so I apologize if this is posted in another thread.

In Premium Responsive Design Styles, I want to remove "Brand" from the proddetail page.

My thoughts are that this is in the vsadmin/includes file, under ' Layout options. If I remove "manufacturer" from the list, will this remove Brand from the detail page?

Or is it someplace else?

ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 04/19/2018 :  11:30:37  
Hi yes you would remove it from the detail layout defined in the vsadmin/includes.asp

Winners never quit, quitters never win
CSS and Responsive Designs
User Manual for Ecommerce Templates

Ecommerce Template Expert

974 Posts

Posted - 04/19/2018 :  11:55:20  
Thanks Sinbad.

One more question...

I'm trying to replace the telephone symbol on the top of the page but can't find the graphic itself. Where is this graphic located?

ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 04/19/2018 :  12:49:09  
Hi its usually found in the images folder phone_icon.gif or it could be define in the style sheet under the class phone_no h2 .

Winners never quit, quitters never win
CSS and Responsive Designs
User Manual for Ecommerce Templates

Ecommerce Template Expert

974 Posts

Posted - 04/19/2018 :  19:39:33  
I tried removing the phone graphic by deleting the line <div class="col-7 phone_no">.That rendered my page illegible so I put the line back in. However now the phone graphic is on top of the search bar, and the search bar is in the middle now.

How can I get the page back to where it is supposed to be? The telephone graphic should be to the left of the search box, the search box should be to the far right. Nothing I do seems to work. I reeaaaaly miss FrontPage.

ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 04/19/2018 :  20:15:19  
Hi if you just want to remove the phone graphic use this in the style.css above line 80

.col-7.phone_no {
display: none;

Winners never quit, quitters never win
CSS and Responsive Designs
User Manual for Ecommerce Templates

Ecommerce Template Expert

974 Posts

Posted - 04/20/2018 :  06:01:25  
I'm trying to replace the phone graphic with another graphic. I changed this line in css/style.css (line 89):

phone_no h2........(../images/phone.png)
phone_no h2........(../images/accounttruck.png)

This replaced the phone graphic with my new graphic on my local computer. In Design view, the new graphic shows. However when uploading the edited pages (main.dwt, style.css, default.asp) to the server, it still picks up the phone graphic. And the top of the page is still discombobulated.

What am I missing here?

Ecommerce Template Expert

974 Posts

Posted - 04/20/2018 :  06:21:18  
I got the new graphic to show finally. Now I just need to get the graphic and "Free Shipping" to appear to the left of the search box. The search box should be to the far right, as in the template demo.

My site:

I've tried everything I can think of, putting it back exactly like it was, etc. I'm afraid to keep trying different things, as sometimes it renders my page illegible and other times it throws up a 500 error code. Very touchy.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 04/20/2018 :  07:30:24  
You'll only get a 500 error if the syntax in the code is incorrect.

It seems you've changed something more than the background image in .phone_no h2 - I would put that section back to what it was and then just replace the phone image with the truck image. Check that then change the text.


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Ecommerce Template Expert

974 Posts

Posted - 04/20/2018 :  07:49:05  

The change to style.css was just to the image itself. The problem I'm having is on the main.dwt page, where the search box lines up with the image. When I edited that page, I tried to put it back to how it was originally. However I think I'm missing a </div> or something. Here's what I have now:

<div class="col-8 text-right logo_row_right">
<div class="col-7 phone_no">
<h2> <em> FREE </em><span class="auto-style2"><em>SHIPPING</em></span> </h2>
<div class="col-5 topsearchWrap">

I just need the image and text to line up correctly (per the template version). Am I missing a </div> or   or something in there?

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 04/20/2018 :  08:27:30  
The original was like this

<div class="col-4"><a href="#"><img src="images/logo.png" alt=""/></a> </div>
<div class="col-8 text-right logo_row_right">
<div class="col-7 phone_no">
<h2>1 234 567 890</h2>
<div class="col-5 topsearchWrap">

do you have an extra closing </div> tag just before the search?


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Ecommerce Template Expert

974 Posts

Posted - 04/20/2018 :  08:43:54  

I went back to the original download and got the original code. The image issue is fixed, thanks for the help,

I'm going to have additional questions as this is my first time using Expression Web and the new template. Is this thread the best place to submit future questions or should I start a new thread and name it something different?

For instance - how can I increase the length of the search box at the top of the page (without messing up the rest of the page)? I see the line in Style.css but am not sure what to edit there, I don't see a length attribute.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 04/20/2018 :  08:49:40  
I think it's always best to start a new thread for a new topic but as you've asked, it would be tricky to increase the search bar width as it doesn't have the space in the div it resides in. It would mean decreasing the width of the adjacent div to give it more space.


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Ecommerce Template Expert

974 Posts

Posted - 04/20/2018 :  08:54:30  
Ok, I'll leave that one alone. I think I've learned my lesson with those pesky div's, don't want to mess with those anymore. I do have another question but will start a new thread for that one.

Thanks for all the help
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