The cross-selling products displayed on the home page > The product images are lining up in the top left corner of the prod box. The Style.css shows this line > .product_box img { max-width:100%; }
I assume that is the line for the product image on the Default page. Can I add something like > vertical-align:middle; to that to try to get the product image to line up in the center of the product box, as opposed to the top left corner? Or something else...?
Note: My images are a tad small, I'm currently working with a bulk image resizer to increase the size of my small prod images.
Just realized that the product box is just missing the product description (on the home page). I think that would make the image not seem like it's tucked up in the left corner.
How can I add the product description to the cross-selling products on the home page? Or will that disrupt the rest of the cross-selling layout on the rest of the site?
Also - the Details button and the Quick Buy buttons are a little disfigured there as well (on the home page). How can I get those to line up correctly?
I'm not sure the product description would work next to the product image as the images are quite small, the text would wrap quite quickly but you can place it here you like eg