Posted - 04/26/2018 : 07:08:15
Several years ago I designed a site for a company and once it was finished, they took over all updates and management of the site. They were hosing with up until very recently. That company was bought out by That company migrated their site to the new servers and had quite a bit of trouble getting everything moved. They just got the site itself up and running yesterday, but none of the store pages are showing up.
My client emailed me and asked me to take a look at it. I've asked him to send me FTP access and the username and password for the vsadmin section.
When I browse to the admin login, I get this error message (I'm wondering if anyone has a guess as to where I might need to start once I get full access):
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_query() in /home2/biotic59/public_html/vsadmin/inc/incfunctions.php:2159 Stack trace: #0 /home2/biotic59/public_html/vsadmin/inc/incfunctions.php(58): ect_query('SELECT adminEma...') #1 /home2/biotic59/public_html/vsadmin/inc/incloginfunctions.php(13): getadminsettings() #2 /home2/biotic59/public_html/vsadmin/login.php(18): include('/home2/biotic59...') #3 {main} thrown in /home2/biotic59/public_html/vsadmin/inc/incfunctions.php on line 2159