Ok, Michelle, I have you fixed up.
This is pretty straight forward and I think it should be easy to implement.
I do want to point out that I am just a ect customer like you.
What I am showing you here, is not really in the "scope" of the support forum, so I think Andy's standard answer was appropriate, because he is one of the admins here.
With that said, you will find lots or folks just like you willing to contribute and show you things that may be outside the normal support scope.
There are some great minds participating here.
Without further ado...
This is two parts.
One, a single line that would be entered into one of your custom fields.
Andy mentioned this before, and you still want to use that, but I am giving you a way to edit that in one location. Just like an include file or content region.
This is the line that goes in the custom field.
<div id="showhiddendiv"></div>
Then in your proddetail.php page, you want to put the following near the bottom of the page, before the closing </body> tag.
If you are using a DWT file to edit your site, hopefully you have an editable region established there near the bottom of the page.
Here is the code
<!-- begin custom field include -->
<div id="gethiddendiv" style="display:none;">Anything you want here. Can be just text, or images, html</div>
if (document.getElementById("showhiddendiv") !== null) {
document.getElementById("showhiddendiv").innerHTML = document.getElementById("gethiddendiv").innerHTML;
<!-- end custom field include -->
You have the space in red there that you can enter your line of text. You can style it up, add images, really just about any html markup.
The script there will look to see if the line (<div id="showhiddendiv"></div>) is in your page and then insert whatever have have defined in that red section there on the page.
It's quite easy to use the CSV download and upload feature to add that short line to one of your custom fields. I expect that with some sorting of your csv file, you can isolate the products that need this line added.
Post up if you have questions or problems.
I have tested this code I provided to you and I actually use it on my live site.