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 Variable Price Product and Card Swiper
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Posted - 05/23/2018 :  07:43:00  
Is there a way to create a product for which the price (any price) could be entered in the checkout process. I wouldn't want it available to the public, but available to the site owner. Context: [url][/url] wants the ability for customers to purchase on the website, which is the case now. In addition, the owner participates in the local farmer's market every week. He'd like to be able to negotiate a price for the plants and, perhaps, installing them and enter the price at the time of purchase.

I'm trying to set him up with a card swiper for Stripe. Any suggestions there would also be helpful. The one I've seen that looks good, so far, is Collect for Stripe.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 05/23/2018 :  08:13:17  

The owner can create an order through the admin orders page and change the price on the item there if that's what is needed.

I'm not familiar with card swipers I'm afraid so perhaps somebody else has a recommendation there.


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Ecommerce Template Guru

1916 Posts

Posted - 05/23/2018 :  09:46:48  
You could also use the donations page as a payment page allowing you to enter any amount you want.

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Posted - 06/05/2018 :  11:02:03  
Donations page idea sounds good. I set up a page [url][/url]. The problem is, it has fields that work for gift certificates. This is supposed to be for project deposits and services. How can I modify this? Don't need to email the customer in this way (as you would for a gift certificate). Just the emails sent by the cart should suffice.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2018 :  11:04:39  
There's some help on that here


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Posted - 06/05/2018 :  11:12:49  
Thanks. I'll take a look.

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Posted - 06/06/2018 :  07:15:21  
Hmmm...followed those instructions. Still doing something wrong. Does my page have to be donations.php? And $explicitid="donations";? Can I have openrate.php and $explicitid="openrate";?

The page has content for gift certificates, not the content shown on the help page.


Advanced Member

275 Posts

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Posted - 06/06/2018 :  07:27:54  
Never mind. $explicitid="donation"; has to be donation. Working now.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 06/06/2018 :  08:53:37  
No, you don't have to name it donations, and I certainly wouldn't want our payment page named donations.
I think there is one part of the instructions unclear there.. (I have added note in red)

Using the donations page as a general payment method

It may be that you need to use the donations feature for other purposes such as receiving payments for extra shipping, add-ons, custom services etc. If that is the case you probably won't want the word "donations" to appear anywhere in the order process. Setting up the donations to receive general payments is quite simple.

Open vsadmin/inc/languagefile_en.asp or .php and change the following two entries

xxDonat="Direct Payment"
xxMakDon="Make A Direct Payment"

$xxDonat="Direct Payment";
$xxMakDon= "Make A Direct Payment";

It's a good idea to copy those entries to vsadmin/includes.asp or includes.php do they don't get overwritten by updaters.

Now open donations.asp and add the following



<!--#include file="vsadmin/inc/incspecials.asp"-->

For the PHP version, that would be



<?php include "vsadmin/inc/incspecials.php" ?>

Finally in vsadmin/includes.asp add

donationid="payments" (name your page whatever you set here)

or for vsadmin/includes.php

$donationid="payments";(name your page whatever you set here)

Edited by - dbdave on 06/06/2018 08:54:21
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