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 Soft Cart Continue Shopping Refresh
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Posted - 05/24/2018 :  13:56:30  

In our store, each product has two options the customer must select. Once they do and add it to the soft cart, they then click "Continue Shopping" to add more to their order, but with the intention of selecting different options than the ones they selected previously. When the soft cart closes, however, the options selected previously are preselected. We would prefer the options to refresh back to nothing selected, again. Is this possible?

Thank you for your help.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2018 :  14:02:40  

I'm afraid I can't see a way of doing that as the continue shopping is really a close window function. If it's important have you had a look going back to using the original hard cart.


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Posted - 05/24/2018 :  14:10:12  
Thanks for your quick response.

That is the answer I expected considering it is a soft cart. The main reason we switched from the hard cart to the soft is that the "Continue Shopping" text in the hard cart was removed with the last software update I made.

It's absolutely required that the customer be able to easily return to the product after adding it to the cart. We use the shopping cart to sell tickets for a dinner theater. The options are actually meal orders (select entree, dessert, etc.) Most people purchase tickets for more than one person, so they will select the meal options for one person, add to cart, and then return to the page to order another ticket with different dinner options for the other person(s).

Ecommerce Template Guru

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Posted - 05/24/2018 :  14:20:07  
Maybe one of these options might work [url][/url]

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Edited by - Paradise on 05/24/2018 14:20:46

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2018 :  15:49:36  
One thought I had was - the product ID in the cart links back to the product. You could use css to style that up (underline, etc..) and that should indicate to the customer they can click that to get back to the product fast.

Advanced Member

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Posted - 05/25/2018 :  07:21:42  
Thank you all for your suggestions.

I settled on $actionaftercart=3;

To make it easier for customers to understand the page was going to refresh, I added some css under the Add to Cart buton. I think it looks and works great.

Thanks for your help!

Mary Beth

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 05/25/2018 :  07:53:14  
That works well for me - good idea!


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