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 Products Table Access DB
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Posted - 05/24/2018 :  17:08:42  

I have a large amount of data/product that I have to continue to input into the products admin.

I have since better utilized the access db and created queries that can import data from other xml data scrapes.

essentially i am directly inputting products into the products table in the access database/

The issue In having is the data that I am inputting is not showing up in the store admin or website but it does show in the database.

any suggestions on what i am missing that would cause this behavior?


ECT Moderator

4479 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2018 :  18:11:04  
Make sure you are adding product to the actual database that's in use by the store. You have three different database versions in the site. The one outside the root is the one you want, I'd get rid of the other two to avoid confusion of this nature. Always backup before uploading or downloading a new database version though, if the store tries to write to the database while you are halfway through an upload or something you might wind up with something resembling toast


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Advanced Member

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Posted - 05/24/2018 :  19:10:45  
I figured out and got the correct db.
however I am getting an error.

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e10'
No value given for one or more required parameters.
/vsadmin/inc/incfunctions.asp, line 69

I checked out line 69 in the incfunctions.asp sSQL,cnn,0,1

I must be missing some needed or required data in the database after inputting further records through the database. any thoughts?


ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2018 :  19:29:55  
I depends on what data columns you are inserting data into.
Some columns in the products table might be dependent on other columns or tables.
I would say that you are treading in dangerous waters.
Have you looked at the csv upload feature built into the cart?

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Posted - 05/24/2018 :  19:42:49  
I took a backup and replaced it with the original database, I also cleaned up the other db's i have in other folders... I have everything working again, just need to figure out what that error is so when i am importing data back and forth im verifying i am entering required field info as well as the other items,, I probably fat fingered something along the way... just working the problem.

Edited by - Ratfink11 on 05/24/2018 20:14:35

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2018 :  19:52:07  
Ok, I will leave you to it with this.
I have many thousands of products.
I use CSV, but it's from Mike at
I have csv utilities for nearly all data. Options, categories, products, quantity pricing, and more.
I use Killink csv and it was about 30 bucks. Excel is useful in some ways - ASAP utilities is great for merging columns.
Killink is no longer available, but they have another product that is highly recommended.
I can upload more than 10,000 products in a csv no problem.
I can manipulate lots of data easily without problems with excel.
My store does millions of dollars in sales, but hey, what do I know?

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2018 :  19:54:52  
I see you edited your original post.
Good luck with 50,000 products in an access database.

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Posted - 05/24/2018 :  20:09:39  
I get it Mike, You have the time to learn all those new csv file programs,,, I am unfortuanley stuck with excel, and cant change or add any additianl apps on machines that dont belong to me that I am required to work with.

This still doesnt answer the question of the error....
I have your program, but it cant do live real time updates, like I can do with access and using a database iwth normalized data is much safer and best practices....

messing around going from scraped webs files and i mean fifty thousand into csv files there are major corrupted data.... the best way to to take this live data and dump it into a databse file NOT a spreadsheet or csv files. I would even dump into an xml file but no one has that capability....

If I cant get an answer on the error then say so... i dont need a course in csv file apps i dont use, I like your program , I purchased it, and i use it for things that it works well with,,, but for the type data im scraping I cant keep dealing with moving from an xml , or csv files, then convert to an excel spreadsheet so I can clean up leading zeros, spaces, invisible charactures, carriage returns, text to number fields, numbers to text fields, spelling errors, dirty data, etc, etc, etc, etc, then convert it back to a normalized file then back to a csv file then upload it to ECT...I have literally hundreds of vba and sql scripts I use to clean up this data, and i don't have time to rewrite all of it for some free csved app that none of these scripts or vba works with.

Its so much easier and time saving to scrape data, dump into a database and then normalize all the data in one shot, as well as having live links in real time depending on my needs. I can write vba code to do anthing in access, convert to sql then back to access without taking a breath, its way more flexible, its what i know, and using a database, cleaning and normalizing data/database is the proper way to go, best practices,

csv programs cant match up categories from a website scraping to the categories in ECT, But I can do it in access or sql between tables, its easier for me to clean data in sql or access tables, data from files that go directly into db tables, with sql or access I have more options with dealing with data like no duplicates, typical field types, etc... I simple cant use sql scripts, vba, in those csv file programs, and again, thats not what im asking for, or have issue with.

I need an answer to the error not a scolding...

Edited by - Ratfink11 on 05/24/2018 20:28:30

Advanced Member

193 Posts

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Posted - 05/24/2018 :  20:11:26  

Edited by - Ratfink11 on 05/24/2018 20:11:43

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2018 :  21:00:03  
I'm just an ect customer just like you.
I am sure on of the ect staff will be along soon to assist.
It seems I can't help you, but I was just trying to be helpful, really.
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