Posted - 05/29/2018 : 09:49:06
Updated forloveofthehorse(dot)com to v6.9.2 this weekend. While products can be added to the cart via products.php page, all the corresponding static product pages display "Sorry, this product is not currently available." Stock management is not being used and this only started after the update to v6.9.2. The <head> of the page has <?php session_cache_limiter('none'); session_start(); ob_start(); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html lang="en-us" xmlns:og=""> <!-- #BeginTemplate "2018/php.dwt" --> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <?php include "vsadmin/db_conn_open.php" ?> <?php include "vsadmin/inc/languagefile.php" ?> <?php include "vsadmin/includes.php" ?> <?php include "vsadmin/inc/incfunctions.php" ?> <!-- #BeginEditable "doctitle" --> <?php $explicitid="GUlgB"; ?> And in the body is <?php include "vsadmin/inc/incproddetail.php"?> <?php include "vsadmin/inc/inccrosssell.php"?> Odd, when is use, the related/recommended products do show up. e.g. MarshallCENLYT Productions - ms designs Affordable Web Design Custom Ecommerce Designs Responsive Websites