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 Design issues
 UPS Ship API & Time in Transit API
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Posted - 05/29/2018 :  15:07:12  

Today I had a meeting with a UPS Solutions Engagement Supervisor and the question came up if further design modifications could be integrated into ecommerce TEMPLATES.

1) We currently ship via UPS using their World Ship software. Would it be possible to integrate the World Ship API into the Orders Admin page? This would save having to re-enter shipping information into World Ship from web orders that came in via the templates. This would certainly speed up processing orders for shipping.

2) When purchasing on the web and when you go to checkout there is already the option of selecting a shipper. i.e. UPS, Postal, etc. UPS was wondering if the Time in Transit API could be integrated on check out. The benefit would be customers could see real-time how long it would take to receive a shipment if shipped today. i.e. Next day shows next day, Regular would show number of days depending on location. i.e. if close to the shipping warehouse it could take 1 day, if other side of the country it would take 5 days, etc. It would all depend on the shipping option selected, Regular, Expedited, next day, etc.

I think these two API's would a great improvement to speed up shipping orders from the website.

If this sounds interesting, I could put your developer(s) in touch with the UPS Solutions Engagement Supervisor I had my meeting with should this be an interesting development issue.

Best regards, Peter

CCI - Tools for the Discriminating Chef

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 05/29/2018 :  15:50:53  
Would it be possible to integrate the World Ship API into the Orders Admin page?

This is already a feature.

As for transit time, I'm not sure, but I expect one of the ECT admins will be along shortly.
For my site, we developed a custom solution to show dates for all services. It was done with no mods to the admin. Although it was intensive, it has been well worth the development efforts.

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Posted - 05/29/2018 :  16:07:03  
Hi Dave,

That is great news, I never knew about the world ship integration and I have not seen any help on this.

Are there help pages available for this, or should can we get someone like you to help with this. I would like to know more.


CCI - Tools for the Discriminating Chef

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 05/29/2018 :  16:50:51  
Enter a new order in your admin, or edit an existing order, and there is a "calculate" button there at the bottom next to the shipping rates.
It was added several years ago.

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Posted - 05/29/2018 :  17:11:49  
Hi Dave,

Yes I see that but there is no integration to our UPS World Ship program. For example how does the tracking number populate and if we run end of day in World Ship does all this information automatically show up there?


CCI - Tools for the Discriminating Chef

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 05/29/2018 :  17:59:29  
Sorry, it looked like you were asking for shipping rates in the admin.
Here is what you want -

Although you should look at ship station if you are shipping more than a few packages a day.
There is a 3rd party plug in where your orders are imported to ship station and then ship station updates your store with the tracking number.
Ship station comes with some impressive tools as well.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 05/29/2018 :  18:02:59  
Here is a thread on ship station -

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Posted - 05/29/2018 :  18:22:08  
OK, so there is no real integration with UPS, we need to go through software such as ship station.

Please note the UPS API's -

CCI - Tools for the Discriminating Chef

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Posted - 05/29/2018 :  18:35:51  
I just noticed that if I go into Orders Admin and select a date range several orders come up. On the bottom left if I click Action Select there is an option called UPS World Ship.

The window that pops up says: Please copy your Dazzle / WorldShip file contents below

Perhaps this is something to connect to World Ship, however I have no idea what "copy your Dazzle" is.

CCI - Tools for the Discriminating Chef

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 05/29/2018 :  19:21:41  
The link I sent before will cover that -

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Posted - 05/30/2018 :  15:18:05  
Thanks Dave, sorry I missed that one, too tired.

Looks like this should work with having to import and export the various steps.

It would be nice if all this process could be somehow integrated but not sure if at all possible.

We will certainly give it a try, we just have to make sure our steps are correct as we don't want to "over-email" the customer from both ECT emails and WorldShip quantum reports.

Again thanks - Peter

CCI - Tools for the Discriminating Chef

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 05/30/2018 :  15:28:52  
No worries Peter.

Again, if you are shipping more than a few packages each day, I would highly recommend Ship Station for full automation.

I actually helped Andy write those instructions for the worldship import/export and we used that, then we changed to fedex with their ship manager software.
We also used both Dazzle and to do postal labels.
All of them have "some" automation benefits, but none of them compare to Ship Station. For 100% automation capability and ease of use, we cannot find anything better than Ship Station.

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Posted - 05/30/2018 :  16:30:23  
Thanks Dave,

I really appreciate the comments and we will review all options, including Ship Station as it looks pretty good.

Best Regards, Peter

CCI - Tools for the Discriminating Chef
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