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Posted - 05/31/2018 :  11:37:54  
I want to purchase the updater and have you install it. Your instructions for doing the update are not complete, as far as I can tell (nothing is said about needing the css line on some of the pages, for example), and I'm concerned about messing it up. When I add the updater to the shopping cart (with the "Yes Please" checked for your assistance) it says the total billing will be $44.95. Is that correct? Or will I be charged another $20 for your assistance? Either way is ok, but I'd like to know in advance of making my purchase. I will be updating a pretty old version with a fairly large database and I do NOT want to mess it up! Please help me feel comfortable about it and let me know what the charges will be. Thanks very much, SK Shannon

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 05/31/2018 :  11:44:54  

Purchasing an updater comes with the option for us to apply it for you, you'll see there is no extra charge. When you purchase the updater there is a pdf file with instructions and links to further help. When you open the updatestore file you'll see a note there about adding the css file too.

On purchasing the updater with the option of installing it for you means we will carry out the work within 24 hours.


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Posted - 05/31/2018 :  11:54:27  
Can someone be working on the cart when you do the update?
And ... the old version is running on PHP4, with a tweak on the server to make it work. I expect I'll have to remove that, but should I do it right away (causing the site to not work) or should I do it after you've worked your magic?
I assume you'll email me requesting the ftp info for the site in question, yes?
Sorry about all these questions, but I'm just not sure of what will happen and the sequence of events.
thanks again

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 05/31/2018 :  11:59:06  
You will need to be running a minimum of php 5.6 and we will send an email requesting ftp details. Within reason we can arrange a time we will run the updater.


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Posted - 05/31/2018 :  12:03:13  
Great. This works well for me.
I will make my purchase and we can move forward from there.
Thanks very much for your prompt responses and I look forward to getting this old shopping cart in order.

Advanced Member

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Posted - 05/31/2018 :  13:47:10  
I have completed the checkout process and downloaded the .zip file with the .pdf file in it.
When I go to download the actual software, I run into problems:
The email address I used (ect@) for the purchase of the template software is no longer a good address
I'm sent to an error page that says my 6 months has run out and do I want to purchase another 6 months ... which is what I just did!
I checked the box asking for your help in the installation and am waiting to receive an email requesting the ftp info for the site in question. In the meantime, I would like to download the software I just purchased. The email address used for that is sdrgnart@, which is a good address.
I did send an email to your info@ address requesting help with this, but haven't heard back about it. Maybe I'm being too impatient. If so, I apologize. Please help me out ... it's taking way too much of my time right now and I'm getting very frustrated. thx, Shannon

Edited by - skshannon on 06/01/2018 07:04:01

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 05/31/2018 :  13:53:14  
I have replied to your email, it arrived 5 minutes ago. I requested your ftp details and as I said here we will update your site within 24 hours.


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Posted - 05/31/2018 :  14:00:16  
Yes, I just received your email and I will send the info shortly.
You said you could perhaps give me a smaller time window for when you would do the update so we would not have to discontinue working on it for an entire 24 hours. ("Within reason we can arrange a time we will run the updater.") If you can't that's ok, but it would be very helpful to us if you could.
I also want to download the software and that's my current problem. When I put in the ect@ address, it tells me that my 6 months has run out, etc. How can I download the software?
Thanks again, Shannon

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 05/31/2018 :  14:11:24  
Once w get the ftp details we'll suggest a window of time to update.


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Posted - 05/31/2018 :  14:19:45  
Please Andy ... tell me how I can download the software. Your site won't let me do it using the original email address (ect@) and it doesn't find my purchase using the address I used to make the purchase (sdrgnart@). I've sent the ftp info via your info@ address, but this doesn't help with the download problem. I paid for it and I would like to have it unless I'm not allowed to if I ask for your help with the install.

Edited by - skshannon on 05/31/2018 15:52:02

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 05/31/2018 :  23:52:01  
You used a different email on the last order, which I changed last night to ect@ to match the other purchases. I just tried the updater and it was sent successfully so have you received the updater email?


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Posted - 06/01/2018 :  05:45:13  
Yes I have received the email. I will try again. If it doesn't work, you'll hear back from me. If it does, we'll be good to go. Thanks again.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 06/01/2018 :  06:44:07  
The store is now updated without issue - you'll need to change the email in your forum profile to the ect@ one otherwise you will continue to show as pre-sales.


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Posted - 06/01/2018 :  06:50:05  
I did make that change and it still won't let me into the forum.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 06/01/2018 :  06:54:28  
You'll need to click on the confirmation email sent to your ect@ address.


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182 Posts

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Posted - 08/14/2018 :  13:29:39  
I just downloaded updaters and notices that the video I used to follow is no longer available. I extracted the files to a local directory, and know to upload updatestore.asp to the root on the server. I also understand the instructions for .css and .js, and have backed up my database. For the remainder of the files, is it as simple as uploading the updater files to the server via ftp then running updatestore.asp from a browser?

If I upload as I described, it will overwrite files - my impression from following the video was that updatestore.asp did this, and deleted files no longer necessary. Just trying to clarify before I pull the trigger.

Thank you,

ECT Moderator

4479 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2018 :  15:00:02  
For the remainder of the files, is it as simple as uploading the updater files to the server via ftp then running updatestore.asp from a browser?

Yes, that's right. The updatestore file updates the database as required but does not perform any additional file operations, uploading the new vsadmin files will, as you say, overwrite most everything in the vsadmin folder (notable exceptions being the database connection and includes files which are custom to your store).


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Posted - 08/14/2018 :  18:11:58  
Thanks Peter, looks like it worked, except a problem cropped up after the update, but I will look for that issue here in the forum, and if not found, post a question.

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