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 ASP (Windows server) versions
 Performance Problems
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Advanced Member

231 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2018 :  07:50:40  
I have a store with 24,000 categories and 8,000 products. It's automotive.

I have just upgraded to a newer Win2012 server with MSSQL2012 SP4. x2 Intel 6 core processors, enterprise SSD, drive's, 32GB RAM etc etc.... This upgraded was forced from the earlier TLS issue with UPS so it was handled, everything is migrated and TLS problem is fixed, yay.

Now I have a serious performance issue navigating the site, especially in the admin section, specifically the categories and product admin area. 20-40 seconds pass once I click on category admin. Every click is 30 seconds of nothing whether it's searching for a category, modifying a category, saving a category or deleting a category. When this happens, the web site front end, is unusable. You can click on a product on the front end and it will spin until whatever is going on in the admin is finished. I need to do some major category maintenance like adding new, deleting some old, updating, adding pictures, and it's absolutely impossible as a simple single task takes several minutes.

I am looking at the resource monitor and performance monitor when this is going on, the CPU never goes over 10%, the disk is barely doing anything and the network utilization is nothing.

If I had to guess when this started happening, it may have started on our previous server when I did an upgrade of the ECT software to the version we are on now which is 6.8.5, it's probably been doing this for 4 months but I thought it was our previous "outdated" server.

Where do I even start to figure out what is causing this?

Thank you in advance.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2018 :  07:58:57  

One thing you can do now you are on 6.8.5 and running MS SQL is look at the Database Utility under the "STORE ADMIN" menu, and under that is an NVARCHAR to VARCHAR utility for SQL Server. I've seen a couple of posts in the past where that has helped speed things up. Before making any major changes on the site make sure the database is backed up first.


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ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2018 :  08:07:22  
Mike over at has a terrific csv utility for categories. With that many categories, you would certainly benefit from it.

Advanced Member

231 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2018 :  10:51:16  
Hi, I did just run the db utility to change the NVARCHAR to VARCHAR without any speed improvement to the categories.asp page. I can say, I think it did speed up the adminprods.asp page, as it _was_ equally as slow.

I also changed the app pool to 64bit (which blows up my aspupload component for the AU02 product image resizer) from 32bit apps. This made no difference either. I switched it back.

Getting major bottle neck on the categories.asp page mostly, but it's also slow on the front end browsing the different products and categories.

I can say, the rest of the admin like orders, settings, options etc are very fast.

There are only about 15 web sites on this machine, all low volume stuff.

What I did notice is if I try and search for a category in the admin, switch to a new browser window, visit another site on the same machine but different app pool, that site seems more responsive, but anything running in the same app pool as the category.asp script locks up the whole site.

Andy or Vince. There was a time years ago, maybe around version 4 or 5, you logged in to my site with FTP, did something with the caching of the drop down boxes (as I recall) so they loaded faster in the admin section. I seem to remember going through this exact same scenario and then it was totally rectified with some manual change to a few pages. I may search my email to see if that info is still around. When I hit the category.asp page, I think it's trying to load 24,000 categories into the drop down box each time.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2018 :  11:00:42  
Can you see if limiting the categories per page helps


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Advanced Member

231 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2018 :  11:22:27  
Terribly sorry, the page I am having the trouble with is admincats.asp.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2018 :  11:42:17  
From the link there, this will limit the categories on admincats



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Advanced Member

231 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2018 :  12:35:54  
FYI to all, I changed this box to 'None' and holy smokes it's back to full on speed. I hope this helps someone. I never messed with that option, it was a total accident as I was trying to search for restricted categories and hit the wrong option box! It's like a new web site.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2018 :  13:27:21  
Glad that's fixed it - to be honest I hadn't considered that so happy you found it.


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