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 Can't login after installing SSL Certificate.
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Advanced Member

213 Posts

Posted - 06/18/2018 :  08:53:31  
Hello ECT,
I installed a SSL Cert. and now I cant login to the admin section of the site. I changed the password for the database and the db_conn_open.php page in the vsadmin folder to make sure that was not the problem and now I get this on the login page "Login Disabled (Repeated login attempts)".

Where do I start to correct this problem?.

Yours Truly,
Paul P.
Longtime ECT Customer

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 06/18/2018 :  08:55:44  
Hi Paul

I would get the password reset file and use that - remember to delte the file password.php once you are finished.


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Advanced Member

213 Posts

Posted - 06/18/2018 :  10:43:07  
Hi Andy,
Thank you for your Quick Help. I appreciate it very much.

I changed the password as you recommended and cleared the "RECAPTCHA" I'm able now to log-in. However when I log-out I get redirected to the "YOU HAVE LOGGED OFF SUCCESSFULLY !" page then I get directed to the last page I was viewing (see image)

if I click on any link on the page it's still live. It takes me 4 or 5 times to log out before I get the login.php page.

Any ideas on how to correct this?

Yours Truly,
Paul P.
Longtime ECT Customer

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 06/18/2018 :  10:47:44  
The password file sets a cookie so it would be the cookie doing that.


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Advanced Member

213 Posts

Posted - 06/18/2018 :  11:17:50  
Hi Andy,
I cleared the cookies and this is what I get now when I log out. (see image)

Yours Truly,
Paul P.
Longtime ECT Customer

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 06/18/2018 :  11:33:36  
I imagine that's your browser caching the content.


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Advanced Member

213 Posts

Posted - 06/18/2018 :  11:38:26  
Hi Andy,
I cleared all of that at the same time.
I only does it with the Chrome and Edge browsers.

Would you like the login info. I can email it to you if you like.

Yours Truly,
Paul P.
Longtime ECT Customer

Edited by - PaulP on 06/18/2018 11:42:31

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 06/18/2018 :  11:51:53  
You can send them on if you like but I really doubt it'll happen on my machine and can't do anything on yours.


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Advanced Member

213 Posts

Posted - 06/18/2018 :  12:29:21  
Hi Andy,
I sent you the login information.

Thank you again for all of your help.

Yours Truly,
Paul P.
Longtime ECT Customer
Since 4-14-2004

Edited by - PaulP on 06/18/2018 12:30:00

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 06/19/2018 :  00:08:02  
I logged in and then logged out and it all went as it should. I think it is probably down to cookies and / or caching. If you try on a different machine you should get the same result as me.


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Advanced Member

213 Posts

Posted - 06/19/2018 :  11:35:51  
Hi Andy,
I tried it on my new laptop (Win 10 OS same as my PC) and I get the same results. My laptop is 1 week old and it was the first time logging in to the admin side of my sites.

Try logging in to the site and log out, then login again and log out and see if it happens to you.

Yours Truly,
Paul P.
Longtime ECT Customer
Since 4-14-2004

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
1198 Posts

Posted - 06/19/2018 :  15:13:18  
Hi Paul

We experienced the same thing about 3 years ago and it turned out to be a line in the .htaccess file. Temporarily remove the .htaccess file to see if that corrects the issue. If it does then its something in that file.

I can't remember exactly what it was. I will have a look through my notes to see if I still have what I found to be the cause.

Using ECT PHP versions since 2004

Edited by - 1818charlie on 06/19/2018 15:14:25

Advanced Member

213 Posts

Posted - 06/21/2018 :  09:01:24  
Hi Steve,
I removed the .htaccess file and no difference.
This is what I get.

For some reason it wont send me back to the "vsadmin/login.php" as it did before when I log out.


Yours Truly,
Paul P.
Longtime ECT Customer
Since 4-14-2004

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 06/21/2018 :  09:09:30  
I tried your site and it was fine, the same as I get on the demo store here

Can you try that and see what you get?


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United Kingdom
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Posted - 06/21/2018 :  10:15:53  

Are you using Chrome? I never rely on Chrome browser for showing site changes. It's had me up more garden paths than I can wave a flag at. As Andy has mentioned a few times on here it seems very aggressive at caching.

I keep all web browsers on one of my desktop PC's free from caching and storing cookies and since adopting that strategy I've spent less time wasted wondering why changes haven't taken effect.

Ecommerce Template Guru

1018 Posts

Posted - 06/22/2018 :  05:17:53  
With most web browsers the F5 key alone reloads a webpage.
But with Google Chrome, you must press CTRL+F5 to force a webpage refresh.


Advanced Member

213 Posts

Posted - 06/22/2018 :  10:17:12  
Hello All,
Thank you for all of your input.

I've narrowed it down to the browser, when using a SSL Certificate.
As mentioned when I first posted this problem about not being able to login to the admin section after installing a SSL Certificate. I was using Google Chrome as my default browser.

After going thru the recommended changes and still having the same problem. I tried the demo store and it works fine with all browsers, however the demo store does not have a SSL Certificate installed.

So I logged in to a site that "DOES NOT" have a SSL Certificate and it works fine when I log out with any browser.

When I use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge on a site that has a SSL Certificate installed I get the same problem when I log out. It won't send me to the vsadmin/login.php page.

When I use Microsoft Internet Explorer on the sites with a SSL Certificate it works fine. I log out and it sends me to the vsadmin/login.php page the way it's supposed too.

I'm no expert but it seems to me that the use of a SSL Certificate with Google Chrome and/or Microsoft Edge is causing the problem with the ECT software.

I have many customers that only use Google Chrome and won't use Microsoft Internet Explorer. I don't want them to get angry with the ECT software and me about this problem.

Is there any way a fix can be found for this problem other than forcing the use of Microsoft Internet Explorer?

Yours Truly,
Paul P.
Longtime ECT Customer
Since 4-14-2004

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 06/22/2018 :  10:52:27  
I don't think it's a general problem like that. My php test store on https is fine in all browsers - I think we'd have heard from other users if it was general.

Are these sites you are checking on the same server? I'm wondering if there is some server side caching.


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