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Posted - 07/21/2018 :  13:34:16  
I want to move a non-responsive version of your cart to the responsive one that integrates with Wordpress. The one to be moved is running version 6.9.2. The one I'd like to move to is version 6.5.4. (Both are currently functional on the Internet.) What I'm not sure about is whether or not the moved 6.9.2 db will actually work with the 6.5.4 version. That is my question: will it work? Thanks.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/21/2018 :  13:54:43  

They will both need to be on the version. You will see problems otherwise.


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Posted - 07/21/2018 :  17:35:57  
Thanks Andy.
I'm assuming you mean "on the same version" and that's pretty much what I thought.
Guess I'll just have to re-enter my hundreds of products ... what a bummer!

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 07/21/2018 :  21:35:08  
Why not update the 6.5.4 store to 6.9.2?


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/21/2018 :  23:19:46  
Yes, I would update the store which is on 6.5.4, or update both to 6.9.4 so you can be sure the versions match.


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Posted - 07/23/2018 :  18:26:55  
The 6.5.4 version is the one that integrates with Wordpress. Can I use the regular updater on it? Will it still integrate with WP? Or do I need an updater that's specific to that particular version? I have over 2000 products in the cart and I'd really like to make the transition simpler if I could. Thanks for your assistance.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/23/2018 :  23:39:56  
The PHP updater is the same for wordpress as with regular PHP sites so you can use that with no problem. Updaters are also cumulative so you will only need the latest updater to get to the latest version.


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Advanced Member

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Posted - 07/24/2018 :  06:26:28  
I mostly understand about the updaters. I'm wondering what is it about the version that integrates with WP that's different from the regular ones. I'm hesitant to run a regular updater on the site that took me ages to get set up (that jives with WP) but if there's no difference ... and you can satisfy me 100% on that ... then I might go ahead. Please assure me that there's no difference ... or tell me if there is. Thanks.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/24/2018 :  06:28:23  
There's no difference

The backend admin and database are exactly the same for the wordpress and regular PHP versions, there is no difference at all - I promise!


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