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Posted - 07/27/2018 :  16:07:27  
I want to show the price and have a buy button on the items on the product page(s), but I can't find any way to make them appear. I'm using version 6.5.4. and only the image and name of the item appears right now. I've tried adding things to the includes page, but nothing changes. ($GLOBALS['productpagelayout']='productimage, productname, price, addtocart';) Am I missing something? Can you tell me how to make this information appear beneath each item so the visitor doesn't have to go to the product detail page to find it? thx.

Edited by - skshannon on 07/27/2018 16:32:18

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United Kingdom
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Posted - 07/27/2018 :  17:24:24  
Look in the code of products.php for this line [blue]$GLOBALS['nobuyorcheckout']=TRUE; // Removes buy and checkout buttons[/blue] and change TRUE to FALSE, and that should show the add to cart button

Will - Bolton Manchester UK

Edited by - V45 on 07/27/2018 17:25:03

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Posted - 07/27/2018 :  17:43:26  
Thanks very much Will. I did that and it worked ... sort of. First off, I don't want the Checkout button at the top, but I DO want the Add To Cart buttons on each item. Second, the font is so big that the Add To Cart button is covered up by the item below it, which definitely isn't good. I had to make the font smaller for the item name because it was WAY too big and it took me awhile to find that in the css file. So what I need now is the css code line to change the size of that HUGE font, and instructions for using a smaller Add to Cart button ... like the one used in version 6.9.2. I just want the picture, name of item, price of item and the Add to Cart button, all looking good and fitting well in the space provided. If someone can help me with this I'd be very appreciative and thankful.
You can see what I'm talking about at ... go to the Bob Dylan cassettes product page. thx.

Edited by - skshannon on 07/27/2018 17:46:40

ECT Moderator

10459 Posts

Posted - 07/27/2018 :  18:44:51  
Check the products page code to see if this parameter ($GLOBALS['productpagelayout']='productimage, productname, price, addtocart';) is set there, because it could be, and if it is, it would override the one set in the includes.
Also check that those things you want to show are not being hidden via css.
Lastly, for the parameter ($GLOBALS['productpagelayout']='productimage, productname, price, addtocart';) to work, you must be using css layouts, so make sure that is set in the includes. (Most newer sites will be using this already)

More info here -

Edited by - dbdave on 07/27/2018 18:46:15

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Posted - 07/27/2018 :  19:08:55  
Thanks Dave.
Firstly, the first $GLOBALS you mention is not on the products page code. Should I put it there? Is it better there than on the includes page?
And please tell me how I "check that those things I want to show are not being hidden via css." I can stumble around in css code, but I haven't got a clue how to do what you're asking. It's sort of moot because they ARE showing (see below).
Lastly, my includes page does have usecsslayout=true. My issue is with how the css displays ... I want the font smaller and I want a different Add to Cart button that doesn't disappear behind the item below. Did you look at the suggested page to see what's happening on my products page? You will see exactly what my problem is if you do look at it.
If you can tell me what line on which css page will change the font size of the price, and how I can get the smaller button (like in version 6.9.2) I'd appreciate it. It's all working ... it just looks REALLY bad and that's what I need to fix.

ECT Moderator

10459 Posts

Posted - 07/27/2018 :  19:52:13  
Ok, if you have the elements showing, then I expect it's just some .css tweaks you need.
I don't see a link to the page, can you post one, or put it in your profile if you don't want search engines picking it up here on the forum.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/27/2018 :  23:14:01  
This is the link to the product page layout andonly include those that you want to display and in the order that they should show.

As David kindly says we'd really need to see the page to help with the tweaks though.


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United Kingdom
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Posted - 07/28/2018 :  03:48:23  
I think this is the page from skshannons posting @ 01:43

Will - Bolton Manchester UK

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/28/2018 :  03:57:58  
On that site I would change



div.product {
width: 29%;
min-height: 250px;
display: -moz-inline-stack;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;
margin: 5px;
zoom: 1;
*display: inline;
_height: 250px;

and then remove the negative margin on the price

font-size: 1em;


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Posted - 07/28/2018 :  06:52:30  
Thanks everyone! Andy, it worked.

Now all I need to do is get the Checkout button out of the top of the page and change the Add to Cart button to a smaller image. I looked in the image folders but I didn't see either of them so I'm not sure where to put replacements. (If the Checkout button needs to stay, I'd like to make it smaller also.) I found the buybutton code in the css file, but I don't know how to adjust it to make that generated image smaller. thx.

I would also like the Continue Shopping button to go to the previous page (where they were) rather than back to the Categories/All Products page. Can you help me with that as well? I don't want them to have to start all over to get back to where they were. I found this line on the inccart.php page (print whv('nbx_return_url', $storeurl.'categories.php');) but I'm not sure what to put in the place of $storeurl.'categories.php'.

Thanks for all your assistance.

Edited by - skshannon on 07/28/2018 07:28:33

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/28/2018 :  07:54:53  
To get rid of the checkout button add this


For the buy button reduce the padding here

padding:4px 8px;

and maybe add a smaller font-size

The continue shopping is defined in includes.php in your version


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Posted - 07/28/2018 :  08:45:40  
Thanks Andy. Everything worked except for the font-size addition. No matter what I put in as the desired font size, it doesn't change. I agree that it probably "should", but it just doesn't and I'd very much like it to. Got any ideas?

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/28/2018 :  08:52:39  
Try it like this font-size:13px !important;


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Posted - 07/28/2018 :  09:16:08  
Who knew? Well ... I guess you did, but I sure didn't!
I hope you're ok with me saying that I've chuckled at your typos ...
13px !impo[red]t[/red]tant;
But I figured it out and, with your great help, got it to work.
THANKS A TON and much aloha to all of you!

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 07/28/2018 :  10:05:06  
We like to keep everyone on their toes with the occasional typo


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