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Posted - 07/30/2018 : 07:31:21
I now want to remove the Login To Account button that appears on the cart page. I found where it's happening on the inccart.php page (I believe) but have no clue what portion of the code to remove to make it go away. Can you help me with this? Also, I'd like to remove the "select state" button from the same page and can't find anything that might be putting it there. I'd sure appreciate some help with making it go away as well. Thanks again and enjoy your day.
Edited by - skshannon on 07/30/2018 07:31:43
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 07/30/2018 : 07:34:35
Hi You'd need this addition to includes.php to remove the login button You can set this to FALSE to not force a State selection Andy Please feel free to review / rate our software
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198 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 07/30/2018 : 08:29:37
Thanks Andy. The first one worked fine. The second one did not. I had tried that before sending my question, but I tried it again and it still didn't work. Got any ideas? If you need to see what I'm talking about (although I expect you already know) you can go to www.ouiknit(dot)com/products.php?cat=1, then choose one to put in the cart. It's the state selector on the left, above the country selector. That's what I want to remove. I suppose it's not a huge deal, but the details are important and I don't see any reason to have it there (the zip code does the trick well enough). Thanks again.
ECT Moderator
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Posted - 07/30/2018 : 08:33:53
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Posted - 07/30/2018 : 08:47:01
USPS only.
ECT Moderator
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Posted - 07/30/2018 : 08:51:32
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Posted - 07/30/2018 : 08:57:12
Well, on the Main Settings page I have USPS selected, not Weight Based. But USPS is weight based (as well as zip code), so I figure that's automatic.
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 07/30/2018 : 09:19:22
I just tested here and if I only have USPS selected (domestic and international) and no other methods there is no State drop down in the estimator. Are you sure you don't have anything else selected for international shipping? Andy Please feel free to review / rate our software
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198 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 07/30/2018 : 09:46:12
Well, as it turned out, every single box on every shipper was checked. I have no idea how that happened, but I unchecked them all except for the ones on USPS. I also made sure the forcestateselector=false is in the correct form on the includes page ... and the state selector is still on the cart!
Is there someplace besides the General Settings page and the Shipping Methods section that would be set for weight based shipping?
It's perplexing, yes? Anything else come to mind? (And it's nice to know I've finally asked a bit of a challenging question. Normally, you're all right on it!) thx again
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 07/30/2018 : 10:06:13
I don't believe there are any other settings to be honest, it's just the way USPS works for estimating shipping. The store version does look a bit old and I was testing in 6.9.4 - what version is your store on? Andy Please feel free to review / rate our software
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198 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 07/30/2018 : 10:13:14
It is version 6.5.4 ... the one that integrates with Wordpress. I'm afraid to upgrade it because I'm just sure it will lose something in the process. Maybe I shouldn't have gone with it ... had a previous store in it that was a huge problem to get set up. Now I'm trying to change it over and a whole new set of "issues" is appearing.
If we can't get the stateselector to go away, I guess I can live with it. I don't want to, but, like the ect search widget, it simply doesn't work and I resign myself to it.
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 07/30/2018 : 10:16:30
Lots of people update everyday with no issues, it really is painless and highly recommended. The ECT search widget works fine as far as I know, I can't remember any issues coming up with it anyway so feel free to post in the wordpress forum here if you're having a problem with that. Andy Please feel free to review / rate our software
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Posted - 07/30/2018 : 10:26:32
I understand about updating. I've done it numerous times on other carts. But the version that works with WP is different from the others and has special needs ... like how to put stuff on the includes page for example. There are a number of things that don't work with this version that work just fine with a regular version. The theme I'm using in WP isn't a generic ol' theme and there were a lot of tweaks to make it work (done a few years ago and I forget what they all were).
How much would it cost to have you guys do it (I already own the updater for 6.9.2) and to make sure it works properly? You're all so good with this stuff and I'm definitely not.
The ect search widget doesn't work, nor does anything but the accordian view on the ect menu widget. It's all very screwy and, although I'm not happy with it, I can make do. I've created my own search widget and the accordian view works well enough I guess.
ECT Moderator
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Posted - 07/30/2018 : 10:37:23
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Posted - 07/30/2018 : 11:04:30
I'm sorry, but I have to ask: Can you guarantee me that it will all still work (or work when it doesn't now) and I won't have to start all over from scratch? Keep in mind that this is associated with WP and is responsive. If so, I will hire you to do this for me. There are no mods; I'm not capable of doing those. thx very much
ECT Moderator
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Posted - 07/30/2018 : 11:34:03
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Posted - 07/30/2018 : 11:59:55
One more question and then we'll be done for awhile (I hope). Can we use the updater I already purchased not too long ago? It's for 6.9.2 and was used to update the cart I'm migrating from. Now I need it to be responsive, ergo the move to the new one. If so, I will go to the updater help page and place my order. Thanks for all your trouble. I do appreciate you. ps - I do wonder if the widgets not working is an issue with the theme I'm using. Is that a possibility?
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 07/30/2018 : 12:35:00
If you have an active subscription, and you do, you can get the latest updater at any time so there's no problem updating to 6.9.4. The theme shouldn't really influence the search but anything is possible I guess. Andy Please feel free to review / rate our software
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198 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 07/30/2018 : 17:39:23
Ok ... I asked another question, but it got lost somehow. Oh well. (I didn't see page 2!) Because you tell me that all will be well, I'm going to hire you to update the website. I purchased the updater to 6.9.2 a short time ago, so that's what I expect it to be updated to. (6.9.4 will be ok too) I think you can find proof of that purchase in your records. I'm going to the updater page now to place my order. Then I will see an email from you asking for the login credentials to the site, which I will send right away.
Please let me know if there are any problems with this. Thanks again ...
Edited by - skshannon on 07/30/2018 17:51:30
Advanced Member
198 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 07/30/2018 : 20:08:28
Just FYI ... I was messing with the shipping zones and deactivated all the states ... and that removed the Select A State drop down from the Cart page. This may become a problem when/if the state sales tax thing goes into affect, but for now it's gone and that makes me happy!
It did create a problem with a free shipping discount for domestic shipping, so I went back in and re-activated them all, but the selector still showed on the page. Then I made them all qualify for FSA and the selector disappeared from the cart!
On we go ... onward, ever onward.
Edited by - skshannon on 07/30/2018 20:17:58
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 07/30/2018 : 23:55:22