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 Bill to and Ship to addresses not working
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Ecommerce Template Expert

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Posted - 08/01/2018 :  09:38:24  
I have Ecommerce Plus PHP v6.5.6

When I view orders in admin it only shows the bill to address but not the ship to address when customer has that. Really messing up our shipping as everything is going to the Bill to address.

Can you help?


42855 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2018 :  09:42:04  
Hi Bob
That's a couple of years old v6.5.6 so that would be the first thing to try would be to update to a more recent version. Is that possible? Even if you couldn't update to the latest (which is well worth it), you could get the latest in the v6.5 line from here...
...and at least replace the incorders.php script. That would make sure that there are no modifications to the script causing this.


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Ecommerce Template Expert

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Posted - 08/01/2018 :  10:07:52  
I replaced the incorders.php like you suggested but still no luck.

We're using SIM so our customers also enter the billing and shipping info into the form as well as the ECT form upon checkout.

Do you have any other ideas?

Edited by - Bob88 on 08/01/2018 10:39:18


42855 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2018 :  13:05:56  
Hi Bob
So is it the shipping address that they entered into the form that you are not seeing? Or is it the shipping address they enter into the ECT form (or is it the same?). If it's the ECT form, have you checked to see if the shipping address is actually in the database orders table?


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Ecommerce Template Expert

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Posted - 08/01/2018 :  13:53:33  
We can log into and see both the billing and shipping addresses. What is not working is in the ECT admin. The billing address shows up but not the shipping address.


42855 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2018 :  14:05:20  
Hi Bob
But if this is the address entered in the form as you say...
We're using SIM so our customers also enter the billing and shipping info into the form
...then it wouldn't be visible in the ECT admin would it? This is why I was asking if you had actually seen the shipping address in the database. I don't think it's there as it's only been entered in and not in the cart.


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Ecommerce Template Expert

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Posted - 08/01/2018 :  14:15:40  
The shipping address is NOT in the database but it was filled out in the ECT purchase process. You have to do it twice. Once in the cart checkout then again in the Authorize form.

As the info was entered in the ECT form why wouldn't it be in the database?

Also should a customer have to fill out two duplicate forms anyway?

Can we eliminate the ECT checkout form for orders? It's redundant.

Edited by - Bob88 on 08/01/2018 14:43:05


42855 Posts

Posted - 08/02/2018 :  02:31:01  
Can we eliminate the ECT checkout form for orders? It's redundant.
I think really it is best to do this the other way round, to collect the shipping address in the ECT cart and not collect it again at But in any case when things are working properly the shipping address should be sent to and they shouldn't have to enter it again.
Given that the ship address is not saved at all, can you try replacing the inccart.php script with the one from the updater. Then try a test order and if you don't see the ship address in the admin orders page now, send me an email (vince AT ecommercetemplates DOT com) with the site FTP login details and let me know the ID of your test order.


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Ecommerce Template Expert

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Posted - 08/02/2018 :  05:26:24  
Vince, We do collect both the billing and the shipping address in the ECT cart during the checkout process. But when using SIM method after you fill out the billing and different shipping address in the ECT cart checkout ( and click on the checkout button you then go to the ECT cart's next page with the shipping info selections. You then click on checkout again and are taken to the site ( where you have to fill out all the billing and shipping information again.

I don't know how much clearer I can say it but that's how it is now working and I don't know how to fix it so that the shipping information shows up in the ECT cart admin. and also that the customer doesn't have to fill out two sets of forms to check out.

Just go to and start the purchase process. It will show you the problem. Also sent you the FTP login via email.

Test order number: 88299

Edited by - Bob88 on 08/02/2018 06:30:38


42855 Posts

Posted - 08/02/2018 :  07:57:31  
I just tried a test order and entered a different shipping address in the cart and this is indeed displayed in the admin. When I was passed to the server I saw my address and shipping address correctly and it didn't need filling out again.


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Ecommerce Template Expert

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Posted - 08/02/2018 :  08:25:02  
Yes. Now it's working fine. But the 2 test orders I did before and 1 customer order only showed the billing address not the shipping address.

Did you change anything?

If not, sorry for the false alarm, but if you check my test orders in the admin (88318, 88310 and the customer's order: 88129) you'll see that it did not show up and was not in the database.

Oh well. Let's see how it goes from here.

Thanks for all the help though.


42855 Posts

Posted - 08/02/2018 :  12:14:19  
I didn't change anything, no. But maybe it was when you updated the inccart.php script that things fell back into place.


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