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Posted - 08/07/2018 :  04:26:19  
Hi Guys,

have just installed the new side filter bar on a wordpress site as a widget.

I can't select multiple checkboxes, as soon as 1 is checked the page reloads.

Example page -

//Side filter bar 2


Am I missing something?

Ross Fraser


42874 Posts

Posted - 08/07/2018 :  05:24:22  
Hi Ross
Is it the "display zero attributes" setting you want to uncomment?
Yes, the page will reload according the the checkbox selected but using that parameter will allow you to also select attributes that would don't have any common attributes with the ones selected.


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Advanced Member

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Posted - 08/07/2018 :  05:43:20  
Hi Vince,

I want to be able to select belcher and box chains under 'chain style' for example.

As soon as I tick one box, the page reloads, this means I can't select 2 boxes under 'chain style'

I hope this is clear.

In other words I want to show just belcher and box style chains.


Ross Fraser

Advanced Member

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Posted - 08/07/2018 :  05:50:42  
Hi Vince,

your suggestion works, but now shows many options that aren't valid for 'gold chains'

Is it possible to show only relevant options AND allow multiple choices?

It seems a bit silly to have to present unavailable options so multiple valid options can be selected.


Ross Fraser

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Posted - 08/07/2018 :  06:07:31  
Hi Vince,

would it be possible to change the way the page reloads?

Maybe disable the 'onchange' or 'onclick' function and require a 'submit' button instead?


Ross Fraser


42874 Posts

Posted - 08/07/2018 :  09:25:20  
Is it possible to show only relevant options AND allow multiple choices?
I've selected Belcher and Box chains and seem to have all Belcher and Box chains displayed. I get options for things like Cable and Curb, but even though there are no crosses with the current selections, that would extend the range of the selections, no?


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42874 Posts

Posted - 08/07/2018 :  09:26:28  
Maybe disable the 'onchange' or 'onclick' function and require a 'submit' button instead?
I don't think that would work very well as the customer would always be looking for the submit button. This way it happens automatically.


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Ecommerce Template Expert

United Kingdom
792 Posts

Posted - 08/17/2018 :  04:45:45  
Hi, I have a similar issue with the new side filter. I just tested the filter you recommended on the suggestions forum at which works really nicely and the page appears to refresh each time a checkbox is selected so I don't think the page reloading is causing the problem. I think the issue is the way the filter menu incorrectly adjusts the product count for each attribute when I selection is made. When the filter menu incorrectly sets the product count for an attribute to zero it disappears from the menu so can no longer be selected. I'm hoping this can be resolved.


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 08/17/2018 :  06:02:32  
Hi Richard

We've been discussing this via email so good to get opinons here too. I set up an example on our demo store to better explain how we saw how things should work

Click on the filter under "color" for black

I have only set one product that is both Black AND Orange and the count reflects that. You can choose Black OR Blue for example and that will list all products which have been assigned the black attribute or the blue attribute,12

We didn't add a zero to the count as that may have stopped people clicking other choices, it is greyed out but that can be changed via the css file

There is an switch to remove filters which don't have a count, that would stop you from choosing Black OR Blue for example so the choice is there depending on the store owner.

The manufacturers is slightly different in that we assume that a product can have only one manufacturer. So if you choose "Andy" the count for the other brands will stay in place as we're assuming the customer realizes that a product wouldn't have multiple manufacturers - that's not the case for other filter groups where products may well have multiple attributes assigned from the same group. The count shows them they can drill down to find the products meeting their requirements.



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Ecommerce Template Expert

United Kingdom
792 Posts

Posted - 08/17/2018 :  11:20:37  

Hi Andy,

I appreciate that you have set up the new filter in a way that you think will suit most users rather than for my particular requirements, but I think this example at works in a way that is clearer and would be familiar to more users.

Looking at your demo site I can see no logical reason why the filter menu colour product counts should change according to which colours are selected. For example, if you select black initially I don't think it makes sense for Orange to change from 5 products to 1 product as the 5 orange products still exist and should appear on the menu as available for selection. If you select black and orange to broaden the search all of the black and orange products (11) are correctly displayed on screen as expected, but the way the menu appears suggests that only the one product which meets both the black and orange criteria should be added to the products displayed on screen.

It is important that the menu shows the correct product count otherwise displayzeroattributes=TRUE causes required attributes to disappear from the menu. For example, it is not possible to select black and then blue as blue disappears. It is not practical to use the menu on my site without displayzeroattributes=TRUE set as it results in a long list of attributes, most of which are not related to products on the page in question.

When selecting attributes from different groups such as Gender and Colour, the search narrows and the product count shown on the menu reduces as expected, except for the Brand group for which the product counts remain unchanged for some reason. If the other attribute groups behaved correctly I don't think Brand group would need to be treated any differently.

I'm sorry to keep going over this, but I think the current setup is less than ideal and I'm hopeful that this can be improved.


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 08/18/2018 :  03:58:22  
We really do welcome suggestions on how to improve things and appreciate the feedback. Vince is currently on vacation so perhaps I can go over this again with him when he's back and if anyone else has any input, we would be really glad to hear it.

Just one point
For example, if you select black initially I don't think it makes sense for Orange to change from 5 products to 1 product as the 5 orange products still exist and should appear on the menu as available for selection.
The logic there is that there is only one orange product that is also black so when customers are drilling down they can see items which have attributes in common.


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