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 Google Chrome Checkout/Recaptcha Issue
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Posted - 08/09/2018 :  06:53:57  
Hello! We have noticed that an issue with the cart specifically in Google Chrome has come up. This specific web store uses Recaptcha at checkout and exclusively in Google Chrome, when a user gets to the final step of checkout where they select their shipping method and enter their CC#, the Recaptcha can be clicked, but the "Checkout" button does not register as a clickable item. This keeps the user stuck at this stage of checkout, unable to make a purchase.

Internet Explorer and Firefox do not replicate this issue.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 08/09/2018 :  07:30:35  
It could be some other javascript conflict.
Hit F12 on your keyboard and check the console for any javascript errors that might be related.
Or provide a link to the site.

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Posted - 08/09/2018 :  07:35:44  
The site is

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 08/09/2018 :  08:25:50  
I tried 2 tests - One in firefox and the other in chrome.
Chrome, as you describe, no moving forward.
In firefox however, I got the following message in a popup alert
"cannot contact reCAPTCHA please check your connection and try again"

So I that would suggest there is an issue with reCaptcha.
Is there any back story? Did you recently add reCaptcha? or update maybe?

Are you using reCaptcha elsewhere on the site? If not, try to enable it on your ask-a-question feature and see if you have problems there.
Check your reCaptcha settings with google to confirm all is correct there.

Perhaps temporarily disable that on checkout and be sure you customers can checkout while it's being troubleshooted.

Edited by - dbdave on 08/09/2018 08:27:16

Starting Member

13 Posts

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Posted - 08/09/2018 :  09:55:43  
I've tested again and I'm not having issues getting through recaptcha on Firefox.

I added recaptcha to the ask a question feature and in both Chrome and Firefox, the recaptcha doesn't show up which keeps the feature from being usable. I added it to reviews, works fine in Firefox, same issue in Chrome.

Their recaptcha keys were created quite a while back, so nothing new here. I did run updates on the cart (yesterday), but the recaptcha issue existed before I ran the updates.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 08/09/2018 :  10:04:04  
Ok, being that there are no other reports of issues, can you take a look in your google account and see if you notice any issues there and you might want to get a new key and try that.
Be sure your site in google matches your actual domain.
In google there, you will see any notifications of problems and you can turn on a feature to get notifications of issues.

Edited by - dbdave on 08/09/2018 10:08:48

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 08/09/2018 :  10:52:12  
As for this,
I added recaptcha to the ask a question feature and in both Chrome and Firefox, the recaptcha doesn't show up which keeps the feature from being usable.

Perhaps when you ran the updater, you didn't copy over the new emailfriend.asp file to the server?
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