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Posted - 08/17/2018 :  17:53:03  
We just added eWAY as additional payment processor.

After completing the transaction when the customer is sent back to our website, following comes up on the page

"Sorry there seemed to be an error!"
If you need help with the purchase, then please be sure to contact us
Continue shopping,

This was received after a live transaction.

Our website received the order as unauthorized

eWAY payment received receipt was received from eWAY.

Any suggestion?


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 08/17/2018 :  23:13:38  
Hi Andrew

The eway set up is very slightly different from the other other custom payment providers so can you make sure you have uploaded ewaypayment.php to the vsadmin folder (not the the inc folder)


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Posted - 08/19/2018 :  03:11:51  
Thanks Andy,

I can confirm the location of the file as below


During the initial account setup with eWAY, I was provided Public API and Client side encryption key. Do I need to add these anywhere in the code?



Edited by - aw3000 on 08/19/2018 03:12:40

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 08/19/2018 :  03:43:08  
As far as I'm aware it's just the Customer ID and username required but what type of eway account did you sign up for, maybe that's the problem?


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Posted - 08/20/2018 :  02:31:02  
Hi Andy,

eWAY has done testing and sent me the following message.
Dale Emery-Smith
Mon Aug 20 06:03:56 GMT 2018
Hi Andrew,

I have performed a test transaction on the website and can confirm the eWAY side of things is working correctly, however I do see an error page once I am redirected back to your website.

As this error page is hosted by your website, and not eWAY, your best bet would be to contact your website or software provider so they can look into your website logs to see why you are receiving an error page.




ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 08/20/2018 :  03:11:15  
Let me test that here and see if I can come up with an error.


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ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 08/20/2018 :  03:31:56  
I tried a test transaction on my test store here and it went through correctly using the demo credential here - can you try the same and that should tell us if the problem is with the files or possibly the account settings. In demo mode you must pass on a value ending in .00 to get a successful result by the way.


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Starting Member

11 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 08/20/2018 :  06:29:53  
Hi Andy,

I tried with demo settings and .00 price.

Transaction gets approved, but when it's going back to our website, a pop up displays message that, If you continue the information will now be sent over insecure connection etc.etc. Press to continue or cancel. Upon pressing continue it takes to our website and displays error message as per previous emails.



ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 08/20/2018 :  07:04:40  
Would it be possible for me to try a dummy order on your site in demo mode so I can view source and see what's going on? If so can you mail me the URL of the zero product I can test with?


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