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Advanced Member

United Kingdom
166 Posts

Posted - 08/22/2018 :  08:32:06  
Currently on PHP version 6.9.4

Perhaps I'm overlooking the obvious but is there a quick way from the Store Admin section to enable searches for the IP address recorded against each customer order?

I can't see anything on the orders administration screen and there is no output shown for the IP address when dumping orders or details to CSV file.

Thanks in advance.


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 08/22/2018 :  08:55:42  
Hi Neil

There isn't an IP Address search I'm afraid. I imagine the reasoning was that they can change so you would never be sure if you had all the matching orders.


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Advanced Member

United Kingdom
166 Posts

Posted - 08/29/2018 :  04:14:04  
Hi Andy,

Thanks for the reply. That's a pity - I'll put a request on the suggestions forum just in case that's something that could be added in the future.

The initial reason for asking about an IP search facility is that we've been trialling an automated click fraud app for unwarranted or spurious click charges from the likes of Google ads. The app provides a live report of IP addresses that have repeatedly clicked through from online ads and which it thinks might be related to click fraud - after a certain number of chargeable clicks it then adds the IP address to a block list to prevent further clicks. In particular we've seen a continued spike in chargeable clicks from the Google Ads display network since they started to roll out the updated platform experience in the middle of July. An IP address search facility would help to see if any of the IP addresses that end up getting blocked are actually from legitimate customers who go on to order product from the website.

Then over the weekend we had one or two spam orders where massive quantities of product are added to the shopping cart but the final part of the card payment process is not completed or fails. We've now blocked the particular IP addresses in question but whilst searching in the Store Admin>Mailing List using partial E-Mail addresses from these spam orders I can see that the same IP addresses and also others in the same IP ranges have previously visited the site and tried the same thing. An IP address search facility would help to narrow down specific addresses or ranges of addresses that we might want to add to the ECT IP blocking list or htaccess file going forward. It would also be useful for housekeeping on the mailing list section just so any associated spam E-Mail addresses can also be deleted.

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