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 Square For Credit Cards Second try
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Ecommerce Template Expert

633 Posts

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Posted - 08/22/2018 :  15:22:28  
Is there a developer out there interested in helping out a group of us that would like to use Square Up for credit card processing? This is a paid gig just need someone to step up and help us out.

Craig Matheny

Ecommerce Template Expert

633 Posts

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Posted - 09/26/2018 :  12:24:56  
Just a boost is there not a php mod that one of you can make for square?

Craig Matheny

New Member

82 Posts

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Posted - 09/28/2018 :  03:46:39  
I could use this mod also. No takers??

Ecommerce Template Expert

918 Posts

Posted - 01/16/2019 :  10:21:54  
We also have several clients who would be interested in a script for Square payments.

Tim Gorski

John Nolan
Advanced Member

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Posted - 02/17/2019 :  03:52:42  
Just another vote for Square.

Ecommerce Template Expert

633 Posts

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Posted - 04/27/2020 :  09:36:27  
I gave up and changed my site over to wordpress and Woocommerce. Got frustrated with people thinking that quickbooks is the solution for taxes when square tracks everything for a small business.

Craig Matheny

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
1198 Posts

Posted - 04/27/2020 :  10:01:55  
SquareUp payment processing was added in v 7.1.7 in December 2019

Manchester England

Remember - Any edits to the ectcart.css file will be overwritten by updater's. ALL edits to ectcart.css rules should be placed in your style.css file

ECT Moderator

10465 Posts

Posted - 04/27/2020 :  12:08:25  
I would be surprised if Square could produce a balance sheet or P/L for my business.
Does the processing come with accounting software?


Ecommerce Template Expert

633 Posts

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Posted - 04/27/2020 :  20:48:25  
Dave because you need something different than others does not mean it is not out there. Do some research and learn what is offered before you take a stance again. Your the reason I left ecommerce because of your ignorance.

Craig Matheny

ECT Moderator

10465 Posts

Posted - 04/27/2020 :  23:17:57  
Wow - Well, I am sorry to hear that I am solely responsible for costing ect a customer.
That's quite disturbing for me to hear.

For the record, I an just a customer of ect, and have no relationship with them outside of that.
I try to help on the forum with other store owners, as I have had huge sucess with my business that began (and continues) with an ect shopping cart.
Keeping up here allows me to take full advantage of all the available features.

Now, to specifically address your reply...
Dave because you need something different than others does not mean it is not out there

A profit and loss statement and balance sheet is "something different"?
I suppose if you just check your wallet from time to time, maybe that works for the majority of business owners, and I am really an odd duck for wanting those silly documents.

In reality, I can't imagine any business that does not need a P/L or balance sheet.
These two documents are needed to understand the value of your business and if you are making money.
You can't expect your payment processor to be your accountant, or accounting software.

Your the reason I left ecommerce because of your ignorance.

I suppose (it's likely) you don't really understand the word ignorance. It's an interesting word. Most folks try to use it as an insult - like "stupid" or something. In reality it's simply the lack of knowledge.
You could ask me if I know anything about brain surgery, and I can say, I am quite ignorant when it comes to that.
That would be proper use of the word.

Understanding that, and assuming you know the use of the word, you left because I am unknowing on some topic.
That to me, that seems foolish. You would cut off your nose to spite your face?
Or perhaps you are just ignorant to the use of the word ignorance, and you mean some other insult....

In any case, if ECT has any problems or bad feelings about me costing them a customer, I will gladly hand over the cost of future updates for your old cart to them for the next 10 years, in advance. Because I believe it's a terrific product that is offered and supported by people that care.
Good luck with your new site.



42872 Posts

Posted - 04/28/2020 :  00:50:19  
SquareUp payment processing was added in v 7.1.7 in December 2019
Thanks to Steve for pointing this out.

And thanks to Dave for always chipping in and helping out. It's also invaluable to us to have the input of people that use the software so very, very successfully as it gives us an insight into the practical end of the stick. It's inevitable over time that some of our customers are going to move to the competition, but I also get lots of notes from people coming from, or moving back from products like WooCommerce. So sorry to see you go, Craig, and sorry for the late implementation of Square which really should have been added earlier.


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