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 Product Discount Exempt Not Working
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Electric Matthew
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Posted - 09/28/2018 :  13:09:05  
Products that are checked as " Product Discount Exempt" are discounted as regular items.

I had a mod made for me that did the same thing. About a year ago, I had an issue that arose that if a customer put a 'Discount Exempt' item in their cart and then logged into their account (or logged out and back in again) the item would be discounted.

So for example...
Customer "A" has an account with a 10% discount and is currently logged into his account.
We have an widget on our site with a list price of $100
Browsing the site he sees the widget for a price of $100. The widget is "Discount Exempt".
He adds it to his cart and the price is $100. (as it should be).
He then loges out of his account and then back in again and the price goes down to $90
He checks out. We lose $10

(or... if he was browsing before he logged in and then put something in the cart. As soon as he logged in it would apply the discount. )

This would happen seldom. But I wanted to close this loophole.

The author of the mod told me ECT is adding the same feature and just get the update (which I did when it first came out). I applied the update and had this issue...

Customer "A" has an account with a 10% discount and is currently logged into his account.
We have an widget on our site with a list price of $100
Browsing the site he sees the widget for a price of $90. The widget is "Discount Exempt".
He adds it to his cart and the price is $90. (it should be $100).
He checks out. We lose $10

So, even thou the mod I had made had the loophole, it would work correctly as long as you didn't login out and in again.

So I had to revert my site back to the previous version as we have "Discount Exempt" on a lot of products.
After that debacle we decided to get another domain to use as a 'dummy/test' site to test future upgrades on before they are applied to our main site.

a couple weeks ago I purchased the latest full (not upgrade) version and see this is still an issue.

I hope this issue can be fixed

-Electric Matthew

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 09/28/2018 :  13:55:34  

Thanks for the all the details. We'll do some testing over the weekend and get back to you.


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Electric Matthew
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Posted - 09/28/2018 :  14:10:50  
Thank you for looking into this Andy.

-Electric Matthew


42874 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2018 :  02:52:45  
Hi Electric Matthew
I've been having a look into this this morning and I've checked the first issue and that doesn't seem to be a problem now. Maybe that's what you were saying anyway but I double checked to be sure.
For the second, I'm afraid this really is behaviour by design. I know the Wholesale Discount Percentage is labelled as a discount but it's really a margin you can choose to give to wholesalers. The discounts that are covered by the "Discount Exempt" setting are those that you can set and apply in the Admin Discounts Page. I'm sorry if that's not how you expected things to work though.


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Electric Matthew
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53 Posts

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Posted - 10/01/2018 :  12:17:19  

The one I had made was based off the percentage discount set in the Client Login Admin.

some of our customers get 5% others get 10% still others at 19% ect. across the site.
Some items we can't discount at all. Which is why we had the mod made that would exclude discounts on a product by product basis.

Would like to see this feature in future releases (hint, hint)

-Electric Matthew
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