Posted - 10/16/2018 : 10:43:26
Good Afternoon, I am using ect -seo plugin for our website. I have titles in our product admin area of the cart, in the ect-seo plugin manager itself as both the general categories page and at the bottom in title elements positioning as %SHOW_BLOG_NAME% | %SEC_NAME% | %CAT_NAME%.
Our store is set up like this home > "category of stones" > "specific type of stone" > "products" On our "category of stones" (sub)category the title displays "||" On our "specific type of stone" (sub)(sub)category it displays the category name twice with vertical bars like this "| Collegiate Stones | Collegiate Stones"
The only area that seems to have an effect on our page titles for sub-categories is in the category admin as category name. (I did update the ect-seo to use ucwords() but it didnt seem to effect the code at all and the product categories are upper case as desired.
Any suggestions on what might be going on? We have updated the wp and plugins as well as the shopping cart.
Thank you, Lynne