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 Basic price plus multiple purchase options
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Advanced Member

United Kingdom
173 Posts

Posted - 10/18/2018 :  05:42:45  
We have a requirement to have a basic price for the 'core system', to which then customers add options from the multiple options to complete the system.

But when I add a basic price to a product that has multiple purchase options, it adds that price to every single multiple purchase option.

Is there a way around this, or a way to do it I'm not smart enough to think of?

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/18/2018 :  05:57:35  

Would making the base product price zero and factoring in the real price into the options work for you?


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Advanced Member

United Kingdom
173 Posts

Posted - 10/18/2018 :  06:14:22  
I know what you mean, but it wouldn't work in this case. We want to take the video doorbell and the power supply out of the options. This might make it clearer:

Here is a link to the product:

We had it before that the doorbell and the power supply were additional multiple options, but people would put random numbers in the boxes, and then we'd have to cancel the order and explain to them why that order wasn't valid.

We are trying to limit them down so they don't make needless mistakes.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/18/2018 :  06:24:54  
Just so I understand, should the customer be able to buy multiple monitors with the base product or would they only ever want to buy one?


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Advanced Member

United Kingdom
173 Posts

Posted - 10/18/2018 :  06:36:16  
They can buy up to four monitors. They should only ever buy one hub.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/18/2018 :  06:37:03  
Looking at your layout, wouldn't it be better to have the product name, options, price and add to cart to the right of the image - not a big deal but would make buying easier and lose some of that white space.


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Advanced Member

United Kingdom
173 Posts

Posted - 10/18/2018 :  07:06:46  
Sure. Is there a quick 'n easy way to do that?

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 10/18/2018 :  07:15:11  
For the options I think the best solution is the drop downs you have there now. Does that work ok for you?

For the layout I would set the div.detaiimage to say 48%


and then anything to go to the right of the image set to a 50% width eg

div.detailname h1 {
font-size: 1.8em;
border-bottom:1px solid #eee;


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