Posted - 11/15/2018 : 12:37:05
Okay, decided to not show the SKU but - how in the world do you change the fontawesome to another icon???
I went by your example in another post and that works:
xxPrId="<i class=""fa fa-chevron-circle-right""></i> Product ID:" manufacturerfield="<i class=""fa fa-chevron-circle-right""></i> Brand:" xxInStoc="<i class=""fa fa-chevron-circle-right""></i> Available:"
But when I try to change it to use the Info or the Bone icon, nothing shows.
Bone: <i class="fas fa-bone"></i> Info: <i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i>
The fa prefix has been deprecated in version 5. The new default is the fas solid style and the fab style for brands. (If I use the fas it breaks my page.)
And I thiught this would all be easy, Ha!
Julie Owned & loved by 7 German Shepherds
Edited by - Positivek9 on 11/15/2018 12:38:50