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Posted - 11/19/2018 :  03:42:22  
Have purchased the upgrade but wont be installing it straight away. What I want to know is there any 'sample' back end of a standard version of the software where you can play and have a look and see what is and what is not standard on the new version

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Posted - 11/19/2018 :  03:46:35  
Oh and is there any more updates due out in the immediate future

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/19/2018 :  03:52:04  
Hi Lee-Anne

We don't have a backend demo of 7.0.1 but you can read through the features here with examples

The demo store backend is on 6.9.4 and won't be radically different if you want to check that - mystore / changeme

There will be new features added to the 7.0 line but unlikely in the next few days I believe.


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Posted - 11/19/2018 :  04:50:15  
Thanks Andy was there a substantial functionality change to features between the 6.9.4 and the 7 or for that matter between 6.9.4 and 6.6.2

I know that often upgrades are security related or minor code errors causing glitches, but what I am trying to work out is are some of those features we have previously had coded specifically being added in now as standard.


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/19/2018 :  04:54:37  
This page lists the major features that have been included in each update but if something there is not clear, let us know.


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Posted - 11/19/2018 :  05:01:41  
thanks Andy

ok I have some questions already from playing in the sample file should I just ask them as I go here or start a new topic?

the first - is there any way to put a picture into these questions

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Posted - 11/19/2018 :  05:09:19  
ok my last questions for the night - next to the reference code there is a / and then another field which I am presuming is for the SKU

Is that correct

If so what is this field used for - it would be great if it could be used for a reference number when manually processing an order but that does not seem to work with the sample file I am looking at

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/19/2018 :  06:42:20  
You can upload an image to your server and then link to it here by clicking on the image icon here and adding the path to the image between the tags.


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ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/19/2018 :  06:43:44  
It is used to enter the SKU of the product and that can be displayed on the product and or / details pages


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Posted - 11/19/2018 :  13:56:42  
So would you consider in an upgrade making it a standard feature or someone doing a mod to purchase it can be used to manually process an order -

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/19/2018 :  23:57:45  
Could you put the full spec in the Suggestions forum so we can see what you need and also gauge interest on the feature?


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Posted - 11/19/2018 :  23:59:41  
I will make a little video of what the changes Daniel has made to our old one rather than trying to explain it - would that help

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Posted - 11/20/2018 :  23:09:26  
ok the video as promised -

one of my learning curves will be how to host my videos the Scraptherapy Site however we will leave that for later.

Can you let me know if you watch this and what you think? Thankyou Have put the link over in the suggestions forum as well

Edited by - Lee-Anne on 11/20/2018 23:42:11

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/21/2018 :  00:16:01  
The YouTube video link isn't working for me - can you check that?


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Posted - 11/21/2018 :  00:58:46  
not sure - did you want to try again or is there a way I can load video directly to our website without hosting it? Have always wondered that

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/21/2018 :  01:36:26  
I was able to see that now. It looks like something that might be specific to your set up so maybe the code Daniel wrote for you could be amended and put back in to the updated version. As I don't know the code that was written it's hard to say how difficult / possible that might be.


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Posted - 11/21/2018 :  05:49:12  
all good Andy - thanks for watching - I have put it into the suggestion box for further upgrades
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