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Posted - 11/20/2018 :  00:07:37  
Ok so have exported successfully, made the changes and tried to import back in and am getting a duplicate ID error. Is there an ability to import for the purpose of changing the data that is in the system, not adding to the Data

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/20/2018 :  00:27:49  
Hi Lee-Anne

Have a read through the help file - it sounds like you need to Update Database rather than Add to Database.


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Posted - 11/20/2018 :  03:05:16  
It certainly is looking like a lot of what I have previously had Daniel write into the code for me is becoming standard, sorry for all the basic questions I will keep having a ready through the help files for bedtime reading - may be a lot of what I am looking for there

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/20/2018 :  04:29:09  
At the very least, it should help you get to sleep


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Posted - 11/20/2018 :  20:36:57  

It did but after a good read I think I am ready to do a test run on an upgrade, might have to go back to scratch with some customisations however while we are still in the going live state I think I want to get it all up to date

I will need some help talking through the upgrade though so is anyone around at the moment

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/21/2018 :  00:01:07  
There's some help here on updating the store


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Posted - 11/21/2018 :  01:07:54  
ok makes for interesting reading I got lost somewhere in there

So question - right at the moment I want to take a stock standard off the shelf version of the platform and import our catagories and our products into it, work out what it can do by itself if I change the relevant options and if stock standard with a few minor changes will work for us. From there I will work out if we are going to upgrade or just leave it at that so how do I create myself a temp 'new' file?

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/21/2018 :  01:30:05  
I would set up a copy of your current store and database, making sure it is not connected to your live store. Once you have done that you can apply the updater to the test store and then you can try importing and exporting products and stock to make sure it works how you want it to.


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Posted - 11/21/2018 :  05:53:37  
That is the thing - Daniel has made a bundle of changes over the years for us which is great but what i want to know is if we can just go back to basics as far as the e-commerce template is concerned and go from there. I want to see what is stock standard and not upgrade an existing file

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 11/21/2018 :  06:34:07  
If you made a copy of your site and database then updated that you would be able to see what is available without affecting the live site.


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Posted - 11/21/2018 :  15:04:34  
Have done that Andy but what I want to see is a brand new stock standard site without an preferences chosen, and customers set up, any stock entered and start again from there bringing in our stock details and catagories and other information.

I have played with the sample file changeme that you sent me and while that was great to have a play with I want to see what we need to do if we start all over

If we purchase an upgrade do we actually need to upgrade or can we start again - there are so many changes made over the years to the code that I really just want to get back to basics and start again.

The reason I ask is everything I read about installing an upgrade refers to altered code problems and we have a lot of altered code in our system.

Hope this makes sense


ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 11/21/2018 :  18:11:52  
we have a lot of altered code in our system

Sometimes, custom additions can be added with the custom code in a separate file and then it's deployed with a simple include line placed in one of the ect files.
Have you ever discussed the difficulty of updating with Daniel? Is he available where you can ask him?

Personally, I try to limit modifications to the core files, but when I do, I have a list of what those files are, what the changes do, and where in the file they go.
When updating, I use a (free) file compare program to compare the old files with the new (it will highlight the differences) and copy over the custom bits to the new files.

If you cannot get Daniel, then you can find all of his custom work by comparing (use file compare program) your working files to a set of unaltered files from the original ect package before he modded them. I expect he actually commented the files so the changes can be spotted.

I use winmerge for file comparison. You can compare an entire folder with another to identify differences.

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Posted - 11/21/2018 :  20:52:18  
Thanks for that - Daniel has been really hard to track down lately so am trying to get through it ourselves - appreciate any help
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