Advanced Member
198 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 12/11/2018 : 07:41:47
My apologies as this is most likely my fault.
I migrated my testing website to a new hosting server and domain. Now that I am editing the admin product section, I cannot make any edits and I get this on the top of my screen
'; var scrwid=screen.width; var scrhei=screen.height; var newwin=window.open("","uploadimage",'menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,width='+winwid+',height='+winhei+',left='+((scrwid-winwid)/2)+',top=100,directories=no,location=no,resizable=yes,status=no,toolbar=no'); newwin.document.open(); newwin.document.write(prnttext); newwin.document.close(); newwin.focus(); } function imagemanager(){ if(document.getElementById('extraimages').style.display=='none'){ document.getElementById('extraimages').style.display=''; document.getElementById('lessimages').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('lessimages2').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('but_pImage').value="Close Image Mgr."; document.getElementById('pImage').disabled=true; document.getElementById('smallimup').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('moreimages').style.display=''; }else{ document.getElementById('extraimages').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('lessimages').style.display=''; document.getElementById('lessimages2').style.display=''; document.getElementById('but_pImage').value="Image Mgr."; document.getElementById('pImage').disabled=false; document.getElementById('smallimup').style.display=''; document.getElementById('moreimages').style.display='none'; } } function moreimagefn(){ var thetable=document.getElementById('extraimagetable'); var currmax=parseInt(document.getElementById('maximgindex').value); for(imindx=currmax; imindx '; newcell=newrow.insertCell(1); newcell.style.whiteSpace='nowrap'; newcell.innerHTML=' '; newcell=newrow.insertCell(2); newcell.style.whiteSpace='nowrap'; newcell.innerHTML=' '; } document.getElementById('maximgindex').value=imindx; } function setstatic(setting){ if(setting==0){ document.getElementById('staticpagediv').style.display=''; document.getElementById('staticurldiv').style.display='none'; }else{ document.getElementById('staticpagediv').style.display='none' document.getElementById('staticurldiv').style.display=''; } } function displaymultilangname(){ for(var index=2;index<=3;index++){ if(document.getElementById('pName'+index))document.getElementById('pName'+index).style.display='block'; } } function getectobj(objid){ return(document.getElementById(objid)); } function expandckeditor(objtxt){ getectobj('descshort').style.width=objtxt.substr(0,4)=='pDes'?'60%':'40%'; getectobj('desclong').style.width=objtxt.substr(0,4)=='pDes'?'40%':'60%'; } function displaymultilangdescs(islongdesc,thisobj){ var setobj; for(var index=2;index<=3;index++){ if(document.getElementById('pDescription'+index))document.getElementById('pDescription'+index).style.display='block'; if(document.getElementById('pLongDescription'+index))document.getElementById('pLongDescription'+index).style.display='block'; } for(var index=1;index<=3;index++){ if(!islongdesc){ if(setobj=getectobj('pDescription'+(index==1?'':index)))setobj.style.width='500px'; if(setobj=getectobj('pLongDescription'+(index==1?'':index)))setobj.style.width='300px'; if(index==thisobj){ if(setobj=getectobj('pDescription'+(index==1?'':index)))setobj.style.height='200px'; if(setobj=getectobj('pLongDescription'+(index==1?'':index)))setobj.style.height='100px'; }else{ if(setobj=getectobj('pDescription'+(index==1?'':index)))setobj.style.height='100px'; if(setobj=getectobj('pLongDescription'+(index==1?'':index)))setobj.style.height='100px'; } } if(islongdesc){ if(setobj=getectobj('pDescription'+(index==1?'':index)))setobj.style.width='300px'; if(setobj=getectobj('pLongDescription'+(index==1?'':index)))setobj.style.width='500px'; if(index==thisobj){ if(setobj=getectobj('pDescription'+(index==1?'':index)))setobj.style.height='100px'; if(setobj=getectobj('pLongDescription'+(index==1?'':index)))setobj.style.height='200px'; }else{ if(setobj=getectobj('pDescription'+(index==1?'':index)))setobj.style.height='100px'; if(setobj=getectobj('pLongDescription'+(index==1?'':index)))setobj.style.height='100px'; } } } } function checkrequiredfields(){ document.getElementById('newid').style.borderColor=(document.getElementById('newid').value.replace(/ /g,'')==''?'red':''); document.getElementById('pName').style.borderColor=(document.getElementById('pName').value.replace(/ /g,'')==''?'red':''); document.getElementById('pPrice').style.borderColor=(document.getElementById('pPrice').value.replace(/ /g,'')==''?'red':''); document.getElementById('psection').style.borderColor=(document.getElementById('psection').selectedIndex==0?'red':''); } function createextrapbrow(tnum){ var rownum=parseInt(document.getElementById('pricebreakrows').value); if(rownum==tnum){ rownum++; document.getElementById('pricebreakrows').value=rownum; var newdiv=document.createElement('div'); newdiv.style.display='table-row'; newdiv.style.fontSize='11px'; newdiv.innerHTML='
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Can you shed some light on what I must do to correct this error?
Thanks, Eddie World of One Sixth
Eddie Ortiz
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 12/11/2018 : 07:43:50
Advanced Member
198 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 12/11/2018 : 07:57:29
Thank you, Andy. I see "reset account" and "help us" when I click on the three dots. Which should I use to disable stats?
Thanks, Eddie
Eddie Ortiz
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 12/11/2018 : 08:16:41
Advanced Member
198 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 12/12/2018 : 09:43:11
I'm opted out as suggested and I still see the code at the top of the new website I am working on. I do not see it on my other website on the same server using the ECT software though. Could it be database related?
Thanks, Thanks, Eddie World of One Sixth
Eddie Ortiz
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 12/12/2018 : 09:45:24
I'm pretty sure that if you are on Godaddy that's where the error is being produced. Make sure you have forced a refresh on the page, Ctrl+Refresh and also double check with Godaddy that you are successfully opted out of "helping them". Andy Please feel free to review / rate our software
Advanced Member
198 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 12/12/2018 : 10:02:27
Thanks, Andy.
I actually opted in yesterday just to check and the error remained on the new website and suddenly appeared on my existing website World of One Sixth. I waited the 24 hours required and opted back out and the code disappeared on . World of One Sixth but remains on the new one.
I moved the contents from one server to another without re creating the database and when i saw the error I remembered I did not create the database for the new server so i attempted to do so but got errors. Could this be the reason why?
Thanks, Eddie World of One Sixth
Eddie Ortiz
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 12/12/2018 : 10:09:56
Advanced Member
198 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 12/12/2018 : 11:16:45
They seem to work fine. I can add items to cart and my inventory list appears on the admin
Eddie Ortiz
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 12/12/2018 : 11:34:21
Unlikely it's a database issue then. Can you view source on the admin products page and compare it to the working site and see if you see any extra javascript lines in the bad one? Andy Please feel free to review / rate our software
Advanced Member
198 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 12/12/2018 : 11:52:09
The source code is identical on both with the exception of my custom data entrys...
When the website lived on my other server all looked good, but migrating it somehow caused this.
Eddie Ortiz
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 12/12/2018 : 12:37:56
Advanced Member
198 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 12/12/2018 : 12:40:37
Thanks, Eddie World of One Sixth
Eddie Ortiz
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 12/13/2018 : 00:08:44
Advanced Member
198 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 12/13/2018 : 05:13:25
Any suggestions on how to remove this code?
Eddie Ortiz
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 12/13/2018 : 05:53:39