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 Problem with "Email" as payment method
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Posted - 12/11/2018 :  20:27:11  
For years, I have had "Check or Money order" (email) as a payment method. Never a problem until approximately two weeks. Now when this is chosen by a customer as the payment method (or by me when testing), the following message is received on the thanks.asp page: "Sorry, there seemed to be an error!" / "If you need help with your purchase, then please be sure to contact us."

I have made no changes to my payment methods or includes. What might be causing this?

Thank you!

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2018 :  00:07:35  

Do you know if the email function works generally on your store, for example the order status email or the email a friend as the problem may be down to your store email settings. The other thing to check is are you using digital downloads on your site or have you used them in the past?


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Posted - 12/12/2018 :  05:09:07  
Hi Andy,

Thank you for the response. I believe the email function works generally. Although I do not have either "email a friend" or order status enabled (I manually send a customized shipping notification email), I do receive order notification emails when customers choose PayPal or Credit Card as the payment method. And, I just placed a test order with PayPal as the payment method; I received an order confirmation email ("Thank you for your order") at the email address that I entered into the cart. I also receive "Login attempt at your store" emails when I log in to my admin. With my PayPal test order, after the PayPal payment was processed, I clicked on the "Return to Merchant" button; this returned me to my thanks.asp page with the same error message ("Sorry, there seemed to be an error!" / "If you need help with your purchase, then please be sure to contact us."). I'm not sure whether this has always been the case, but it is not desirable.

When "Check or Money Order" is selected (with both a test order I placed, and when a customer chooses this is an option), the order is "received," in that I can view it in my Admin, but the order status is listed as unauthorized and an order confirmation email is not sent to the customer and I do not receive an order notification email.

My three payment providers are, PayPal, and Email (email is shown as "Check or Money Order"); the first two work, the last does not. I have triple-checked my payment provider details within Admin and nothing has changed (email is still enabled). I also have not changed my email settings.

Thank you

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Posted - 12/12/2018 :  05:11:57  

I forgot to include in my response that I have never used digital downloads on my site.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2018 :  05:53:47  
Can you check if you have this setting in vsadmin/includes.asp

...and remove it if you do.


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Posted - 12/12/2018 :  09:59:54  
Yes, i did have "emailorderstatus=3" I removed this and re-tested. Same error result. And, this command was present when it was working prior to about 2 weeks ago.

Thank you for the idea.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2018 :  10:22:11  
Would you like to send me an email with your control panel and ftp details and I'll take a look for you?


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Posted - 12/12/2018 :  12:25:11  
Hi Andy,

I just emailed the requested info. Thank you for taking a look.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 12/13/2018 :  00:21:05  
It seems you are forcing the site to use https, which is fine but if you do that the Store URL needs setting to https too. I just did that and put through an order ok.

I would update your site to the latest version and think about removing HTML from product names as it may cause issues with reporting / order status / emails etc.


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Posted - 12/13/2018 :  04:40:43  
Thank you! I received email notification of your test order. I just performed a test order and all was good for me as well. It was not my intention to force my site to use https (except for cart pages). Not sure what I did to cause that. Perhaps coincided with installation of a new SSL cert. I will look into it.

Thanks again,


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 12/13/2018 :  04:46:33  
It's probably best to have your whole site on https these days so that side of things is fine I would say - I wouldn't change that set up.


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Posted - 12/13/2018 :  04:52:53  
Great - thanks
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