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 Thanks.asp PayPal Error
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Advanced Member

255 Posts

Posted - 04/16/2019 :  09:06:13  
Since the last post in February we've moved to another server that is running the ecommerce template just fine, Still, when PayPal redirects back to it times out with this message:

There was a timeout waiting for confirmation from the payment server. Please contact our customer service email for details about the status of your order.

PayPal says it's set up correctly. Any idea why it's timing out?

Edited by - KevinRobson on 04/16/2019 09:08:24

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 04/16/2019 :  09:20:54  
This is using PayPal Standard, correct? If so, can you check you are using Auto Return / PDT


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Advanced Member

255 Posts

Posted - 04/16/2019 :  12:56:05  
yes it auto returns, then a circle start to spin for like 30 seconds and then the error attached earlier shows up on the thanks.asp page.

That was one of the previous issues, the auto return was still set for the ecommerce website before this.

Can I send you admin, FTP, and cPanel login credentials to have a look?

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 04/16/2019 :  13:47:37  
It may well be something in the PayPal account settings but I can check the admin entries.


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ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 04/17/2019 :  00:40:41  
I haven't received any details from you but there are two options.

Leave the identity token field blank in the payment providers page for Paypal and make sure you have auto return set to off in your PayPal admin, and Payment Data Transfer set to OFF too.


Set Auto Return and PDT to ON and enter the identity token in your store control panel admin page.

Also you say you have one site working fine so compare the settings there to the ones not working on this site.


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Advanced Member

255 Posts

Posted - 04/19/2019 :  08:01:37  
Thanks.asp is still taking some time then displays:
There was a timeout waiting for confirmation from the payment server. Please contact our customer service email for details about the status of your order.

May I send you login credentials? Where should I send them?

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 04/19/2019 :  08:35:41  
You can click on my name to send an email.


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ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 04/19/2019 :  10:50:55  
Thanks.asp is still taking some time then displays:
There was a timeout waiting for confirmation from the payment server. Please contact our customer service email for details about the status of your order.

We have had this on and off for years. It got really bad some time back and I went through my setup with a fine tooth comb. Asking questions of Paypal and ECT.
It's never been fully resolved and to this date still happens from time to time.
I have spent many many hours trying to solve this to no avail and chalk it up to Paypal making constant changes - some good - some bad.

Advanced Member

255 Posts

Posted - 04/19/2019 :  11:08:27  
It fails for us 100% of the time.

The customer is expecting an email from the cart when an order is placed. With PayPal the email doesn't go out, probably because of this time out issue. Can the cart template be updated so that any referral from PayPal to Thanks.asp generates an email to the cart administrator?

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 04/23/2019 :  00:16:37  
I received the admin login details today and see your store is on 6.7.4 so I would definitely update that. I see you are also using the Identity token, which must be used in conjunction with PDT and Auto Return as I mentioned above.

What I would do is update the store, double check the PayPal settings for PDT and Auto Return and put through an order. If that doesn't help, remove those three settings and try another order - let us know how that goes.


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Advanced Member

255 Posts

Posted - 06/26/2020 :  07:16:49  
Still having this issue. Will appreciate your input.

The host double checked the server. It meets PayPal’s guidelines,

PayPal support replied yesterday with this:
Thanks for providing that information. I was able to use that to check our side of things, and I didn't see anything out of place on your account, so I went ahead and found the same thing that the person bought in your screenshot and ran a test order using my personal PayPal account.

The payment I sent 1CU14286HT797192S completed correctly and we redirected back to your site as it was set in your payment parameters. The timeout that your customers are complaining about is happening after the payment completes and we redirect the buyer back to your store. We don't have a way to see what is causing this timeout on your store. I'd recommend reaching out to your web developer/server admin to review this further.

The account is working properly on our side, this timeout is happening post payment and redirect.

I made that payment from my personal account to test your store. If you could refund and cancel that order on your store at your earliest convenience, I'd greatly appreciate it.

If I can answer any other questions for you on this, please let me know.

PayPal MTS

ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 06/26/2020 :  11:39:38  
Hi Kevin, I noticed that both www and non-www versions of the thanks pages are active, it might be a good idea to use a directive in the web.config file so that customers shop and checkout on non-www version of the site. Also in the admin under main setting that should also be set to the same. Bottom line you need to decide which to use www or no www and adjust the site and Paypal to match.

See post here by dbdave or ask your host they maybe able to help you with the directive.

*Note* Also check in any third party tracking systems such as google analytics or google search console I'm not sure if this is still required but it does hurt to check.

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42874 Posts

Posted - 06/28/2020 :  03:39:23  
Hi Kevin
What I would do is update the store, double check the PayPal settings for PDT and Auto Return and put through an order. If that doesn't help, remove those three settings and try another order - let us know how that goes.
Did you do these things that Andy mentioned? If so do you get the same error on the thanks page, "An error occurred in the secure channel support"?


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